christmas supprises part 2

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We sat on my bed, kissing each other passionately. Jakes hands held my cheeks in his hands as we kissed, his eyes gazing lovingly at me.

 I felt the lust building up inside me as I laid down on the bed. Jake laid over me and began to kiss me again, his hands now moving up and down my sides as our body's pressed together. My hands moved up his chest and I opened the buttons.

Jake shrugged out of his shirt and it fell on the floor beside the bed. Then, his lips found mine again and we kissed.

 His moved down to my neck and he began to suck it leavening me to moan quietly. His hands moved up the sides of my body again till it got to the straps of the Mrs clause outfit and started to pull it down my arms.

I gasped and sat up, pulling the straps back onto my shoulders in lightning speed making Jake fall of the bed. He pushed himself back up and looked at me confused "what's wrong babe?"

"you know what's wrong not ready for that yet."

He sighed and looked out the window "I know babe"

I put my hand on his and lightly squeezed. "when wear married" I whispered.

"yeah when wear married" he muttered.

"what's that supposed to mean" I hissed.

"well your dads hardly going to let me marry you yet is he"

I paused "do you only want to marry me JUST so you can have you know what with me!" I demanded.

"no no Ness! Of course not its just that...I love you so much and I want to marry you soon."

I gave him a small smile and kissed him. "I love you Jacob Black"

"I love you two Renesmee Cullen"

We kissed again and then smiled at each other.

The door to my bedroom opened and my mother walked in smiling. My farther followed growling, his eyes narrowed at Jake. J

ake shifted slightly aware that my farther had just read both of our minds and was aware of what we had just NEARLY done.

 I blushed and looked at my mother "what is it momma" I asked.

"we have a surprise for you love" she smiled taking my hand.

She led the way out of the house and my fathers hands went over my eyes.

We walked for 5 minutes, human speed until my mother told me to stop

. "keep your eyes closed" she whispered. I nodded and did just that as my father removed his hands away from my eyes.

 "okay, open them" said my mother after a moment. I slowly opened my eyes and gasped. We wear in the baseball clearing and in the middle stood a massive Christmas tree with lights and a star at the top "oh!" I whispered.

 The rest of my family, including the wolf pack. "we haven't really done anything very Christmassy for a few years so Alice thought it would make a nice change." my mother told me. I looked around and smiled "its beautiful"

They all smiled and looked at the tree.

I loved Christmas and the tree reminded me of my family, wolfs and all. It also reminded me of the family member we had lost.

I missed Jason terribly and I knew, some how, I would get him back.

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