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Kyle and I walked down to the shops together. I smiled watching my son as his eyes grew wide as snow began to fall. “that’s snow” I told him.

He giggled as the snow melted on his skin and stuck his tong out to catch the small flakes. Together we walked into the small store. “can you find me some flour?” I asked.

Kyle nodded smiling and toddled off towards the baking section.

“hello” said a small voice. I looked down and smiled at the small human girl looking up at me with big blue eyes.

“hello” I said back.

“what are you looking for?” she asked.

“some chocolate for my family” I said.

“it over their by my mommy”

I looked up to see the shop keeper near the till and smiled. “thank you”

“Lilly, come hear!”

“I have to go, goodbye”

“goodbye” I said.

I smiled as the little girl ran off towards her mother. At that moment Kyle came over holding a bag of flour in his arms. “thank you baby” I said taking it from him.

Kyle smiled and went to the counter with me. “which chocolate bar do you want?” I asked.

He pointed to a Twix so I brought three more of them including the flour.

“shy isn’t he” smiled the shop lady.

I looked down at Kyle “he cant talk yet” I said.

“oh, I’m sorry”

I shook my head “it’s alright.

The little girl Lily poked her head up from the counter “hello” she said again to me.

I smiled “hi”

She then looked at Kyle “hi”

Kyle smiled shyly and held on to my leg.

Lily giggled before going off.

I smiled and looked at Kyle who looked back at me “come on”

Hand in hand, we set off back to the Cullen house.

When we wear back, the pack had come back. Sammy was playing with Emmett while Leah and Seth slept. As I said before, Sammy was more vampire than Kyle. For one, he couldn’t sleep. Jake came over to me and kissed me “hey” he greeted.

“hey” I smiled. “can I talk to you?”

He nodded “sure”

Leaving Kyle with my mother, I took Jakes hand and walked up the stairs into my fathers room.

“we need to talk about Kyle” I said.

Jake suddenly seemed nervous. “what about him?”

“you don’t seem as interested in him as you are with Sammy” I explained. “it’s hurting Kyle’s feelings”

“and who told you that” demanded Jake growling “the bl-”

“yes my farther! He and Kyle have a bond and he says Kyle’s upset and it seems that you don’t love him!”

“I do….it’s just….”

“its just what?” I demanded.

“I see Kyle as a runt Ness….I don’t know if its to do with the whole wolf thing but….I don’t feel that he should even be hear”

I stared at him with shock “how can you even say that!” I cried “he’s your son!”

“I know Ness, I’m sorry”

I growled “I don’t care that he cant speak, he’s just as good as EJ or Sammy!”

He looked down guiltily.

“if you cant see that then don’t come home”

“aw come on Ness, don’t be like that!”

“either you start treating Kyle the same or I swear to god I wont stop anyone if they want to rip your head off!” I snapped.

With that, I stormed out going down stairs. I knew they had all been listening, I could see it on their faces. My fathers especially was filled with hatred as he sat at the piano with Kyle. I let out a small sigh. What was I going to do?

Renesmees Note Book (WATTY AWARDS 2011 VOTE GUYS!!!)Where stories live. Discover now