Red Eyes

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“Henry, wear do you think your going!” demanded Rose.

I looked up to see Henry heading for the door, a back pack on his shoulders.

“Kyle’s still missing and I’m going to find him” he said.

“no your not” said Emmett.

“yes I am, you cant stop me” he scowled.

“want to bet?” asked Emmett

“Emmett!” hissed Rose.

Henry frowned and walked to the door as the door opened.

Kyle stepped in, his shirt had been torn at the chest and sleeve, his eyes wear blood red.

“Kyle no” whispered my farther.

“he drank human blood” gasped my mother.

“no!” I cried.

Henry’s eyes grew wide and he took a step back from Kyle.

Kyle’s eyes flashed grief when he did that. Kyle took a step forwards which had Rose and Emmett push Henry back and them standing in front of him protectively.

“he’s not going to hurt him” said Carslie.

“too full for that” muttered Jake.

I shot him a look.

“was it…anyone we knew?” asked my mother.

My farther groaned quietly. We all looked at him

“who!” demanded my mother.

My farther sighed. “Mike, Jessica and Lily Newton”

“what!” screeched my mother.

Kyle hung his head guiltily.

“he didn’t do it on purpose Bella” said my farther gently.

“you killed a family Kyle! A mom, a dad and their grandkid!” she shrieked.

“it was either them or Henry” whispered my farther.


Henry came out from behind his parents and looked at Kyle. He was crying.

“I-I’m so sorry!” he said.

Kyle looked outraged and suddenly angry.

“I-if I wasn’t human, you wouldn’t of had to of k-killed them… have to turn me”

“NO!” snarled Rose, Emmett, Jasper, Jake and Edward.

“but if I wear a vampire, non of this would happen again!”

“that’s out of the question” said Rose.

“you turned Bella” said Henry.

“because she was on the brink of death” hissed my farther.

Both me and my mother flinched at the memory.

“then ill go and throw my self off a cliff”

This time Esme flinched.

“I want to be one of you and now’s the right time”

Kyle growled and looked at him sharply.

“come on Kyle, we both know our relationship will be much easier, and better, if I was a vampire”

Kyle shook his head, his new red eyes gleaming.

Henry scowled and looked at us. “please” he begged.

“no” we all said.

He looked at Kyle again. “please” he whispered.

Kyle frowned.

“pretty please, Ill make it worth your while” said Henry.

“Henry!” hissed Rose.

He rolled his eyes “I’m gunna have sex with him sooner or later” he muttered.

Kyle’s cheeks went nearly as bright red as his eyes while Rose and Emmett hissed.

“so your saying I have to be on the brink of death for one of you to turn me” he asked.

His face grew thoughtful. I saw my farther grimaced then his face grew hard.


Henry scowled “get out of my head” he snapped. He shoved past his mother and farther, mutting oww as he walked up the stairs and slammed the door into his room.


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