Letting them go

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“you’ll never leave me will you baby” I cooed to my belly.

“of corse not mom” said Sammy.

I rolled my eyes “I wasn’t talking to you honey”

He grinned and rubbed Leah’s belly.

“Sammy are you expecting a litter of your own?” demanded Rose.

“no I-”

“stop getting in Leah’s way and go and make yourself useful”

Leah nudged him with her head and whined.

I smiled. Rose and Leah had become quiet close. It astounded us all. Leah was due to give birth to three puppies in a weeks time. My own little girl was due in another month.

Alice and my farther had become distant from the rest of us. They would be talking together constantly.

 I think it was about what Alice saw.

That worried me, because when Kyle and Henry said they wear leaving, they tried to stop them. Kyle got a broken arm out of it. Something bad was going to happen to them both and this was bad news.

For now, we had bigger things to do. We wear moving to Scotland tomorrow. I was sad to leave EJ hear, but he assured me that he was a big boy now. I wish he wasn’t.





another short entry for you xx




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