Nothing Can Stop Them

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We took three cars to the lake wear the coven was last seen. When we got out, their sent was fresh and the ground was wet. They had been hear. I walked with the rest of the family and we followed the sent threw the snow and the trees. “we found them” my farther murmured. At that moment, we wear surrounded. Four snarling vampires crouched low, their eyes blazing, their lips drawn back into a snarl.

“who are you!” growled one. He was a tall dark haired vampire.

“we are the Cullen’s”

He straightened up and looked at his fellow vampires “follow us then” he growled.

I walked in-between Jake and my mother as we followed the vampires to a small quiet village. Their was no one in sight. The stench of blood filled the air. In the distance, I saw smoke and I knew that was wear they had burnt the body’s of the humans they killed.

They led us into a large manor house. The doors wear closed that led into a larger room.

A female vampire walked over to us. She reminded me of Jane when we was in the Volturi. It was very much like a volturi set up.

“we have been expecting you Cullen’s” she said. “I am Angle. Our masters are waiting for you” she said.

“she’s a tracker” murmured my farther.

Angle smiled then two of the male vampires opened the door and we wear marched in.

Sitting on one throne, Henry and Kyle wear curled up together. Henrys eyes wear bright with excitement. Kyle blinked sleepily as if we had just awakened him and he yawned. His eyes darted from me to Jake, to my farther and then to Henry.

In sync, both boys stood up and walked over to us.

“mom” they both purred looking at me and Rose.

“hello baby” I said to Kyle.

They went down the line, hugging us all. As Henry came up to Crystal, she hissed but he pulled her into a hug, absorbing her power. We all now knew that their was no way anyone could stop them if it came to a fight. I knew I wouldn’t be able to fight them though. Their my family. I saw my farther nod in my direction and Henry looking at me with curiosity. Of corse he had mind reading.

“Henry, Kyle, we need to talk” said EJ coming out of the line, flanked my Jane and Seth.

“what about?” asked Kyle.

“about why they are no humans in his town” he growled.

Henry rolled his eyes “honestly, it was only a bit of fun!”

“you killed a whole village!” said Rose. “why?”

“because it’s fun” they said together.

“it’s so boring sitting around doing the same thing all day, we wanted a bit of fun and humans are fun to torture” Henry flashed a wicked smile.

The doors opened and in came the male vampire that had found us by the lake. He was dragging in two other males who wear snarling.

“why have you brought them hear Jack” demanded Henry.

“they wear hunting on our land” he growled chucking the two vampires down on the floor in front of Henry.

Kyle walked over to them and growled “do you know who we are?” he asked them.

“why would we want to know” hissed one.

“we are the Alaskan Coven and you have just hunted on our land” replied Henry.

“we don’t take too kindly to trespassers” growled Kyle.

“oh yeah, well what are you going to do about it” they snarled.

Henry smiled thinly. “join my coven and obey us, or you will die”

They laughed “join you? Your mad you are”

Henry and Kyle growled.

“Very well then!”

The doors slammed shut and the two vampires wear thrown against the wall. Kyle smirked as he made them crash into the roof and walls.

I watched, horrified as they took turns torturing them. The two vampires screamed in pain as Henry stared at them, using Jane’s power. Their limbs began to tear off, one by one. Their screams wear cut off as they burst into fames. Two piles of ash now sat wear the two vampires once stood. -----------------------------------------------------------

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