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"Jake..." I whispered.

The wolf lowered it head and whimpered softly. I put my hand out and he rubbed his head on my hand.

Tears started to swell in my eyes and I moved closer to him holding his head in my arms and kissing his fur. "I love you, I love you" I whispered. "I know that now, its you I love, I only love you" I cried.

 He looked at me and licked my hands then cheek and nuzzled me trying to comfort me. " im so sorry Jake" I whispered softly. He suddenly got up and ran off. I looked after him until he was out of sight. I slowly stood up when he came out of the bushes, in human form, wearing only shorts and trainers. I ran towards him crying and launched myself into his arms "I sorry! Im so sorry!" I wailed.

His arms wrapped around me and held me close agents' his chest as he kissed the top of my head "shh its okay Ness" he whispered.

 I cried into him then looked up at him and kissed him. Jake kissed me back and stroked my head gently. I smiled up at him and put my head on his chest closing my eyes.

Suddenly I herd footsteps. Alec and Jane walked over their faces expressionless.

"what's this mutt doing hear" hissed Alec, growling at Alec. Jane gave out one of her evil, childlike smiles. "Come Renesmee, Jacob" she said. I looked up at Jake who nodded.

Alec and Jane led us back to the grand hall. The family was their. My mother and father, grandparents, Alice and Jasper, Rose and Emmett...even Jason and Crystal. Aro, Clause and Markus stood at the top of the stairs, Felix, Demeter, Alec, Jane and a few other members of the guard stood their watching us.

Jake went to stand with my family but I stopped half way in-between them. "Neisse" whimpered my mother who stood with my farther, his arms around her, confuting her. I looked at the volturi. Aro met my eyes and I took a step towards him when a hand touched my shoulder.

 I turned around to see Crystal. "don't Renesmee, you belong with your family not with them" she whispered. I looked at her and nodded then whispered into her ear "be a good mate for him."

She looked into my eyes with understanding. I knew she would eventually become Jason's mate and I was happy with that. Jason would be happy with Crystal and I would have my Jacob.

Crystal linked her hand with mine and led me back to the family.

My mother and farther hugged me tightly and my dad picked me up as if I was a little girl again. Then again I would always he his little girl wouldn't I.

Aro let us go, a thing that worried both Crystal and Carlisle.

 Aro never just let us go, something was up and it wasn't good. When we got home I went hunting with my parents and Alice dressed me in a pretty pink dress while rose did my make up and hair. After, I went for a walk with Jake in the forest.

We walked up to the river hand in hand. I put my head on his chest as his arms wrapped around me and he kissed the top of my head.

We stayed like that for ages until Jake gently pulled away and looked at me in my eyes. "I was going to wait until valentine day but...I want to ask you now."

"what is it Jake?" I asked.

Jake took something out of his back pocket and bent down on one knee "Renesmee Cullen, I love you more then anything and I only hope you love me enough back....will you do me the honour of marrying me?"

"yes Jake! Yes!


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