Christmas Wishes

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“Henry? HENRY!” shrieked Rose apprening in the living room.

“What’s wrong?” asked Emmett leaping up.

“Henrys gone” she growled.

“Kyle took him out I think” said Sammy from where he sat with Leah.

Henry was now 3 years old and was now talking. It was coming up to Christmas again.

“where are they” demanded Rose.

“in the garden” said Jasper.

“Babe calm down” said Emmett, pulling her into one of his bear hugs.

I got up from one of the couches. “ill go and get them” I said smiling.

Rose smiled “thanks’ Ness”

I walked outside and ran to the area of garden wear Kyle was.

Kyle was holding Henrys hands, walking him over to where his football was.

“play Kyle, play!” he squealed with delight.

Kyle smiled and nodded gently kicking the ball to Henry.

Henry giggled and kicked back running around the garden squealing.

Kyle grinned and ran to him, scooping him up and tickling him.

I smiled remembering the fun Jake and I had when I was younger. Of corse, I was more mature than Henry, but Kyle looked like he was having so much fun. Their was nothing of disgust in his thoughts my farther had told us. All Kyle wanted was for Henry to have fun and for him to be the best big brother Henry could ever want. Henry loved Kyle as I loved Jason and Crystal. He adored him and loved to spend time with him. It helped Rose to know that Henry was happy with Kyle.

“Kyle, come in love” I said walking over.

Kyle smiled and me and put Henry onto his back and walked with me back to the house.

Alice met us on the porch. “Kyle, Jake and Emmett are waiting for you to go and get the tree” she said.

Kyle nodded and hugged Henry, putting him down.

“bye Kyle!” giggled Henry.

Kyle waved at him before going out to the front.

When they wear gone, I walked back into the living room with Alice and Henry.

Rose scooped him up and sat down with him on the couch.

“Momma” began Kyle.

“yes Henry dear?” asked Rose.

“how come Kyle cant talk?”

“well….you see…Kyle’s never been able to talk” said Rose.

“at all?” asked Henry, his eyes wide.

“no” I said quietly.

“but Edward can hear his thoughts but non of us knows what he sounds like” said Rose.

Henry frowned slightly and looked out the window. “then ill talk for both of us”

We all smiled at that.

“that’s sweet” murmured my mother.

“yeah” I agreed.

Henry let out a yawn “when dose Santa come?” he asked.

“not for another three weeks” said Alice.

“but that’s ages away” he pouted.

“you need to be good from down until then if you want Santa and his magic reindeer to visit” I smile.

“what are reindeer” he asked.

“their deers with antlers on their heads and they fly in the sky pulling Santa’s sledge” said Alice putting some antlers on a sleeping wolf Sammy’s head.

“they can fly!” he asked exited.

I nodded.

“I want to fly to!” he squealed.

“maybe if you stay good, you can ask Santa in your list for a special ride” smiled my farther.

“but only if you go and take your nap like a good little boy” said Rose.

Henry yawned. “ill be extra good so I can fly”

“that can be your Christmas wish” said Alice smiling.

Henry nodded and laid his head on the pillow “I wish I could fly”

His gentle snores sounded quietly in the room.

I watched him sleep smiling.

“so Ness. What would be your Christmas wish?” asked Alice.

I looked at her “for my children to have long and happy life’s” I said simply.

Alice asked us all individually what our Christmas wishes would be and when the other boys got home, we then asked them.

It seemed silly as we knew that most of our Christmas wishes could come true but it filled our ‘hearts’ with hope.

“leave the decorations till later” said Esme.

“I’ll get Henry to help me with the tree” said Alice.

Emmett and Kyle nodded, leaving the tree as it was.

Carlisle came into the room a smile on his face. At that same moment, my farther eyes lift up as well.

“Kyle, I think I can make you talk, well not me, but someone else” he said.

Kyle looked up surprised.

“a special sergan is coming for a day only. He’s a vampire but like us, an very old vampire but very skilled. He said he will do the operation on Christmas day”

I looked at Kyle who was staring wide eyed at Carslie.

“this is once of a life time slot Kyle, I don’t think ill be able to persuade him to come back and do it again” said Carlisle.

Kyle nodded.

“he said he’ll do it” said my farther,

Carslie smiled “good” he hurried out of the room.

I was trying to hide my happiness. My little Kyle may be able to talk!

Kyle eyes wear shinning, a look he only had when he was playing with Henry.

He looked over at Rose who nodded and he took Henry from her and went up the stairs.

“it seems Kyle’s getting his wish early” smiled my farther.

“what do you mean?” asked Jake.

“Kyle’s Christmas wish is to be able to talk” explained my farther.

I smiled and leaned close to Jake. My baby will be able to talk soon and I knew that he would be a lot happier to say things that the rest of us take for granted like ’I love you’


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