Christmas day

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It's Christmas day. The day when vampire, wolf and human alike gather together to celebrate Esmes cooking!

 I woke up early that morning to a snowy seen. I smiled softly and got dressed and ran down the stairs and into the family room.

 "Merry Christmas Neisse!" squealed Alice running to be and kissing me.

I smiled "merry Christmas guys."

Alice led me over to the Christmas tree wear everyone else was sitting under and handed me my first present "its from me and Jasper" she squealed.

I smiled and sat down next to Jake and my mom and started to open it. Inside was a pretty light blue dress.

 I gasped and grinned "I love it!"

Alice grinned back "I knew you would, who's next!"

Esme pulled out a present from the tree and read the label "to my stupid Lamb love your sick masochistic lion."

I felt my heat swell up as my mother took her present and kissed my farther "its nothing big so don't worry" he grinned giving her his crooked smile that she adored.

My mother carefully tore off the paper and gasped. "oh Edward!" she kissed him long and hard. The present was a photo of me and my parents when I was a baby.

 " I know how much you hate Ness growing up so fast, so I got a picture of us all when Ness was still a baby" he smiled. I got up and hugged my farther tightly.

He smiled and kissed both of our heads and we stayed like that till Esme called out the next present. "to Jacob, love Neisse"

 I turned my head around to watch Jake open his present. He opened it up and smiled when he took the pocket watch out of the case and opened it up.

I had put a photo of the two of us in side. Jake turned towards me and kissed me "thanks babe, I love it." I smiled and kissed him back "Im glad you liked it."

Then we all looked back at Esme so she could read out who the next present was for. "too our darling daughter Renesmee love mommy and daddy.

" she handed me the box and I smiled taking off the wrapping paper and gasping. Inside was a chocolate brown necklace with a pendent which had the Cullen cress on.

"open it" smiled my farther. Carefully, I opened up the pendent. Inside was a family photo of all of us, including the wolfs. "do you like it?" asked my mother.

I smiled and looked at her "I love it." she kissed my cheek as did my farther and Esme continued to give out gifts.

 I didn't really pay attention to anything after that. I was too busy admiring my beautiful pendent.

Everyone was in the photo. Including Jason. I suddenly felt a tight knot in my stomach as I began to think of wear Jason was today.

 A day wear you should be with your family, only, he wasn't. I felt a cold hand on mine and I looked up at my farther.

He kissed my hand in confect and turned back to my mother again.

After all the presents had gone from under the tree the pack, Billy, Charlie and Sew came in "Merry Christmas!" shouted Seth at the top of his voice.

 We all laughed and said merry Christmas back. Jake got up and went to greet Sam and his farther while I walked over to grandpa Charlie. "hey kido" he grinned hugging me.

"hey grandpa" I smiled hugging him back. After all the reunions we all went to the dinner table "why do we have to sit down we don't eat!" complained Emmett.

"Emmett Cullen you stop complaining right this minute!" scolded Esme coming into the room with my mother holding two turkeys each.

They put them down on the table next to all the trimmings then smiled at us. "you may start eating."

The pack didn't need to be asked twice.

As soon as thoughts words left Esme's mouth the pack began to devour everything on the table. Jake even had a whole turkey to himself! When they wear finished we all went outside and had a huge snowball fight, Cullen's agenst the pack.

We of course won with the help of Emmett's snowball maker that Alice and Jasper got him for Christmas. When the fight was over the wolfs and humans left and the rest of us walked back inside the house.

Jake left with his farther so it was just us Cullen's. all in all today has been one of thoughts memorable Christmases. I only hope that next year is going to be just as good as today.


Have a very merry Christmas guys!!!!!

thanks for supporting me over the past month, love you all!!

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