Always Right

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I stood staring that the two of them with shock and disbelief. Kyle and Henry danced back over to us holding each others hands, they eyes sparkling with excitement. “Jack, prepare rooms for our family, they will be staying with us” said Henry.

Henry took Kyle’s hand and the two of them ran off upstairs.

Jack walked over to us “this way” he said.

He led us down a hall way and opened a door “hear you go, the half breed and dog can sleep hear”

Jake growled as did my farther.

Jack smirked and turned and walked away.

“something needs to be done” said Emmett.

“they killed two vampires” I whimpered.

“all without touching them” sighed Jake.

“we cant fight them, I wont” hissed Rose

“we need to find some other way of changing them back”

We all agreed with my farther.

“but how?” I asked “they wont listen to us, and with there bodyguards, how can we even get close to them”

“killing there army” said Emmett

“or we could try reasoning with them” said Esme.

The door opened and Kyle walked in. “Henry seems to think you have something on your minds” he said.

I nodded “Kyle….please come home….please….stop being like this…my baby isn’t like this”

Kyle’s red eyes narrowed in puzzlement then sighed. “I guess your right”

“will you talk to Henry and come back to England with us?” I asked.

He looked at me and nodded “I’ll talk to him….get some sleep, we’ll talk in the morning”

As dawn broke, I looked up as the door opened. Henry and Kyle walked in. Henrys red eyes flickered with annoyance but Kyle looked calm. “we talked it over” he began

“well?” asked Jake.

“we’ll go back to stupid Scotland” muttered Henry.

“Grate” grinned Emmett.

“but I still want to have my coven….we’ll live south a bit so we’re not on your terrorty and they will be allowed to hunt humans but we’ll go back to our vegetarian roots” said Henry.

“very well” agreed Carslie.

“good…we talked with our coven this morning, they wear a bit unsure but Henry managed to……persuade them” said Kyle.

Henry snorted slightly and walked out, folding his arms around his chest.

“what’s wrong with him?” asked Jake.

“he’s just upset that we have to move and that I told him we wear turning into monsters, he doesn’t like that I’m right” grinned Kyle.

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