The Blame Game

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hey guys! Author's note at the bottom :)


 When we reached the airport, Alec stopped at the desk and turned around to smile at something behind me.  

 I turned around and saw my family running towards us, my parents in front with Jake, the others following behind.  

  I launched my self into my mother's arms and snuggled into her while she and my farther held me in a hug. I cried softly into them and looked up as my farther started to talk with Alec. "Why did you take her?" he demanded.  

 "Come now Edward, I'm sure you can read our minds and see for yourself. Aro only wanted to see how she was progressing." Alec told him.

My farther growled and put his arm around me and led me out into the waiting area for the planes. There everyone began to hug and kiss me smiling, telling me how much they missed me. As soon as that was over I sat on Jakes lap and snuggled into him.  

 His sent confuted me as he kissed my head holding me tightly against his chest. I closed my eyes and drifted off into a restless sleep.

When I woke up I was in a car and in my mother's arms. I looked out the window and yawned "where are we?" I asked.

"just about to reach Seattle sweetheart" she smiled kissing my head.

I uncurled myself from her and looked out of the window. I had slept all the way threw the plane ride.

 That was quite strange for me.

Anyway, when we got home, Carlisle called for a family meeting. We all sat down in the family room as Carlisle stood in the centre of the room and faced us. "Neisse, can you tell us what happened" he asked.

I looked at my farther and asked him to talk for me in my head. He kissed my head and smiled standing up.  "I'll tell you what happened. She's still a bit shaken up"

"very well Edward" agreed Carlisle.

 My farther stood with him and began to speak.

"Alec found her in the woods and told her to come to Italy to speak with Aro. Scared that if she didn't go, they would come and destroy us.

  Ness agreed and went with him after he had told her Jane and Felix were telling us. When she arrived Aro said that he only wanted to check on her progress but then he started to talk about the wolves."

"What about us??!" demanded Jake.

"Let him finish dog" hissed Rose.

   My farther cleared his throat and everyone's attention was back on him. "Aro knew about Ness and Jake and the imprint" said my farther.

"How!" demanded Jake "you guys are the only ones who know....wait....that filthy bloodsucker!" snarled Jake.

"What are you talking about Jake" asked my mother


"He thinks Jason told them" my farther announced.

"He wouldn't!" I shouted "Jason wouldn't do that to me!"

"But babe think, he's left and we don't know where did he goes , he's told the head leach about us for revenge" said Jake.

"Revenge for what!" I hissed getting angry and upset.

"That I have you and he doesn't!"

"you don't HAVE me Jake, I'm not a prize to be won!"

At that moment Esme stood up "can we now calm down please" she asked.

I suddenly started to feel really calm and I sat back down.

   Good old Jasper.

Jake sighed "I'm sorry, babe"

I gave him a small smile "its okay, I know your upset but...there's more" I looked at my farther.

"Yes" agreed my farther "there is more. Aro also told her if she and Jake had children they would have to step in and destroy them."

"What!" the whole family said at once.

"they think that because they would be half wolf, quarter Vampire and quarter human, nothing like that has ever happened before."

"But there's a chance Ness could never have kids though...isn't there??" said my mother who was now holding me.

Carlisle nodded "yes, we don't know if you can have children yet Ness but if you can and if you do, we'll make sure they never find out."

"Easier said then done" murmured Emmett.

"Alec told me something just before we left" my farther said.

"What is it son?"

"Aro will be visiting us every year to make sure no child is created and if there is.....he'll destroy us all."

My mother whimpered and pulled me tightly against her chest and kissed me.  

 "Don't worry my little one, I'll look after you" she whispered.

   I cried into my mother's hold and she picked me up "don't worry baby, I wont let them touch you" she whispered.  

 She kissed my head and carried me back to the cottage and to the bed. My farther followed and the three of us laid on my parents' bed.  

 My farther began to sing my moms and my lullaby while my mother rocked me as if I was a small child. Soon my eyes closed and I fell into a deep sleep.


So in the new year im going to start to wright a story about Kate and Garrett after brakeing dawn and about how the voltory are FINALY defeated by the Cullens and Friends

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