A wish come true and a wish lost.

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“Merry Christmas guys!” squealed Alice.

I grinned hugging my family as we said merry Christmas to each other.

Kyle came down with Henry who’s eyes wear wide with excitement. “he came! He came!” he squealed. I laughed softly as Henry hugged his mother and farther.

“come hear Henry, the first one is for you” said Alice excitedly.

He ran over and sat next to Alice and Kyle and opened up the package. It was a box of Lego. Henry giggled “I wanted that!”

The opening of Henrys presents was a joyous occasion for all of us in the house. We loved seeing the light in Henrys eyes light up as the thought of Santa coming into the house and leaving him presents.

Once he had opened all his presents by the tree, he stood looked at Kyle.

Kyle smiled at him then looked at us.

I saw my farther stiffen “what about the surgery”

Kyle’s eyes saddened but he looked back at Henry and then Rose.

“Henry, come on, lets get you dressed” said Rose.

“okay momma” he walked up the stairs with Rose.

“what’s going on?” I demanded.

“Kyle wants to give Henry his Christmas Present, but it would mean him missing his operation”

I gasped “you cant!”

Kyle looked at me and let out a small whimper.

“Kyle, Henry will understand, someone else can take him” said Jake.

“he wants to do this for Henry” said my farther.

“do you really want to give up your wish for a toddler” demanded Sammy.

Kyle glared at him.

“Kyle you cant, just think, this time tomorrow you could be talking with us” I whispered, my eyes pleading.

He looked at me then sighed sadly, walking out of the house.

“come on Henry, Santa left a surprise for you in the garden” she grinned.

I felt my blood boil under my skin. Rose didn’t care about what Kyle wanted or needed, she only cared about Henry getting what he wanted!

Henry ran outside with her while the rest of us followed. Out side, their was a huge hot air balloon. Henrys eyes grew even wider and he squealed running over to Kyle who picked him up smiling. “Santa said that this was for you and Kyle to go in, so you can fly” said Rose almost as exited as Henry.

“lets go!” giggled Henry running into the basket.

Kyle got into follow him and I looked at him desperately. “Kyle…don’t” I whispered.

He looked at me, sadly again but that sadness was replaced with determination to make Henry’s wish come true. He got in the basket and picked up Henry putting him on his shoulders and pulled the chain and fire shot threw the balloon making it rise. Emmett walked over to the rope and let it go.

“bye momma!” shouted Henry from Kyle’s head.

“bye baby” smiled Rose waving.

We all waved as the balloon floated away and as it floated, so did Kyle’s dream of being able to talk.

“please, wont you reconsider?”

“I’m sorry Carslie, I’m a busy man, your grandson should have been hear when we said”

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