Its Begining to look a lot like Christmas

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“Jingle bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way!” sung Alice as she skipped merrily around the house, putting up the Christmas decorations.

“Alice, can you please stop putting tinsel on me?” asked Sammy.

“opp’s! sorry” she giggled taking it off him and hanging it on the mantle peace.

The song that Kyle was playing on the piano changed from the classic Christmas hymns to Christmas carols.

“we wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!” bellowed Emmett.

I rolled my eyes and giggled as my mother joined in with him. “good tidings we bring, to you and your king”

“we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year” finished Esme.

Kyle smiled from the piano and went into play a slower and more soothing Christmas song.

Jake walked in and over to me smiling. He kissed me gently and I kissed him back. Jake had now fully healed thanks to Carlisle’s tending. Things had changed between him and Kyle. Jake now seemed proud of him and included him first when they went our patrolling.


Kyle stopped playing and looked up at Rose and Emmett, who stood in the middle of the living room.

“we have something to say” announced Emmett.

“for those who don’t have mind reading powers or are not Carlisle and Esme…..we have been talking and well…..wear going to adopt a baby”

I looked at her speechless but then understood. It must have been hard for Rose to see four children brought up in the house, for them all only to call her aunt Rose.

“are you insane” hissed Jasper.

Rose frowned “no, wear not!”

“your brining a HUMAN child into the family, non of us would hurt it but it will know what we are and that makes it dangerous, and what about when its older, are you going to watch it die Rose?” he demanded.


“no, of coarse not! You’ll turn it into one of us, the one thing you didn’t want to be” finished Jasper.

I stared at Jasper for a long time. I had never seen or herd him act that way to anyone before.

“Jasper” said Alice calmly.

Rose let out a growl and Emmet held her arms back “don’t Rose….he dose have a fair point though”

She looked sharply at him then sighed.

“you all know how much having a baby means to me” she whispered. She was almost begging.

“I know” I said quietly. “I’ve seen the way you looked at EJ, Sammy and Kyle….you deserve a chance to be a mom Rose”

She came across and hugged me “thank you” she breathed.

One by one, the rest of the family agreed to the human child who would soon be sharing our home, all exept from Edward, Jasper and Jake.

“I’m sorry Blondie, but I don’t like what’s going to happen to that kid when he’s EJ’s age” said Jake.

Rose glared at him but didn’t say anything else about it.

“come on, it’s snowing!” grinned Sammy getting up from where he read with Leah.

“snow ball fight!” grinned Emmett.

“I’m on your team” grinned Sammy running out with his uncle.

Soon, the whole family wear having a snowball fight, vampires against Wolfs.

Emmett coved Jake with snow who then got socking wet.

Kyle knocked the snow back to whoever threw at him and managed to throw some at my farther who fired at everyone.

After the fight, I laid in the snow with Jake near our little house and held his hand. “I love you Jake”

He smiled “I love you too Ness”

We kissed each other gently. Life was good at the moment and soon it would be Christmas.


so what do you think will happen next!?

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