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A month had past and we had lost all trace of Aro and Alec.

They were in hiding, alive though. People had started to arrive from all over the world.

Vampires that helped us in the battle against the Volturi and vampires I didn’t know. There was 10 times the number of vampires here than a month ago, all who were friendly enough but a little unsure of me, EJ and the wolfs.

We all assembled in the garden as the house was too small for all of the vampires. I had spent the past week, meeting all of the vampires that had descended on us. Seth had imprinted on Yasmin.

The new vampire was very happy to become Seth’s new mate and she became a member of the Cullen family.

A quiet hush had descended as Crystal walked out of the house with Carlisle, Jane and some of the older vampires. Jason sat next to me and Jake and the three of us looked up at Crystal. As probably the oldest vampire in existence, but only a young woman when she was turned, Crystal was going to have the final say on who our new law enforcers will be. She was well respected in the vampire community as well as feared. After all, her power can kill you with one look.

“Welcome to you all” she begun.

“I’m sure you all know why you’re here but let me refresh your memories. Two months ago, Jane left the Volturi to be with her mate EJ Black.

She told the Cullen’s news that Aro was building an army of newborns and he planned to kill them.

With Jane and Jaspers help we managed to destroy them and most of the Volturi. Alec and Aro escaped. We don’t know where they are but we plan to find them and kill them soon. For now, we need people to enforce the law.

 Aro abused his power and we don’t want that to happen again. We need people who we, all the vampires, decide and agree on to be in the new law enforcers. We shall take nominations. Who would like to go first?” asked Crystal.

Everyone was silent at first before a vampire called Kurt spoke up. “I nominate Carlisle”

Kurt was from a tribe in Africa.

“Why?” asked Crystal. “Not in that way, I mean why do you nominate Carlisle?”

“Because he’s not at all like Aro, Carlisle is kind and listens before passing judgment”

Crystal nodded then out of nowhere nominations came out. A few more came for Carlisle then for my farther and some of the other vampires.

“Has everyone finished?” asked Crystal.

They nodded “Yeah”

“Good, we shall return inside and decide who is best suited, if you don’t agree then speak up”

Crystal and the other older ones walked inside.

I looked at Jake and rested my head on his shoulder. A few of the others murmured to each other.

“Who do you think will be them?” asked Jason.

“I don’t know” I confessed “it’s hard. We’re all different in what we want”.

A while later, they came back out.

Crystal looked over the crowd. “We have decided who will be our new Volturi”

Everyone looked up and waited.

“First, all of us up here are out of the running’s.”

Murmuring broke out.

“We will be a council of elders and will give advice to the Volturi” she explained.

 “Now, we have decided that Yasmin and Kate will be two of the new three and that EJ Cullen will be a new head of the Volturi”

“But he‘s not even a full vampire!” hissed someone.

“He has proven himself more then you!” hissed Crystal “he may be part wolf but he is still part vampire. He and Yasmin may be young but that is why the council of elders has been set up. Kate is brave and she is experienced and liked… I have any other objections?”


“Good….now…can the new three please join me…it’s time for you to choose your guard”


what do you think, do you agree or not, who would be in the new voltori if you wear to desided and who do you want to be members of the gard?

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