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I get to the school with my sports glasses on instead of my normal ones, since their obviously broken. I have an appointment at the optometrist for next week, since Its time for me to get my eyes checked anyways. I head to the club room to drop off my skateboard and I see everyone's there.

"Morning guys!" 



"We didn't know if you would be here today after your glasses broke, but you already have a new pair!"

"Actually, these are my sports glasses. Their more like goggles if anything. I'm getting new glasses in a couple weeks."

"Sports glasses?" Tamaki asked. 

"Did I not tell you?" He shook his head.

"I play volleyball. I have sports glasses so that way, if I end up receiving a ball with my face, which happen more than you would think, they wont break or fall off my face. Their flexible." I pull them off and bend them. He just has a look of, 'oh' on his face. 

"Oh hey y/n! we have your binder ready!" The twins say, handing me a small bag. "Go try it on!" They urged me. I smiled.

"Okay!" I go to the changing rooms, and take off my shirt, unwrapping my bandages. The binder is perfect, and I get it on after a little struggle. When I slip my shirt back on and look in the mirror, I almost cry from how happy I am. I'm flat! 

A few tears fall from my eyes as a huge smile forms on my face. I get out of the dressing room to see the host club there waiting. "So? Dose it fit?" I nod happily.

"I'm so happy right now, I could cry. Thank you guys, so much!" I say hugging them. They hug back.

"No problem y/n!" I feel another pair of arms wrap around me, and see its honey-senpai. Then tamaki-senpai joins, and he pulls haruhi into it. The only two who dont, are kyoya-senpai, and mori-senpai. But the rest of us, are just enjoying the group hug. But we soon have to break away so we can go to class. I can't stop smiling though. 

I guess this is what it's like to have true friends. 

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