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This chapter dose have some self hate in it, because we all have our demons. These are based off of my own demons, and what I think of myself. There is the t-slur and I'm sorry.

"Y/n-chan!" I turn around to see honey senpai running to catch up to me before I had started skating home. I was just about to drop down my board and start cruising when he called out for me.

"Yeah what's up?" I ask him picking my board back up.

"We're heading to kyoya's families resort! Wanna come?"

"Something tells me if I say no I'm going anyways right?" He nods. "Then why ask?"

"I just wanted to."

"Well, I have nothing better to do today. Let me just send my mom a text saying I'll be out later than normal."

"Why do you have to tell her?"

"If I'm not home by 4 she'll call the cops for a search party."

"Okay then." He stood there while I let my mom know I was going with some friends, and we started walking to honey's limo. I was a bit uncomfortable in there because I had never been in anything so fancy before, but calmed down after a minute or so. "Hey y/n-chan?"


"Have you ever been in love before?" I'm slightly taken aback by this, but nod my head. "What dose love feel like?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I think I might be in love with someone, but I'm not sure." My heart aches a little but I keep a normal face to mask it.

"Can I ask who it is?"

"Umm... I don't want to say right now."

"Okay then, love..." I think for a minute. "It's like, a fuzzy or fluttery feeling in your stomach. Your face feels warm and you get all red. Your knees feel weak if you get to close, and contact feels like the best thing in the world. Sometimes you don't want to sleep, because you feel like reality is better than your dreams at last. Your heart pounds and you always feel happy around them." I look back at him to see him lost in thought. "It's not always like that, but that's the general feeling of it." He get's out of his thoughts. 

"Thanks y/n-chan!" He says with his signature smile that makes my heart go soft. We ride for  little longer and I check my mom's response which is 'let me know when you're on the way home.'

When we get there, it turns out the twins had fashioned a swim binder, vest and trunks for me. I hugged them as thanks and changed in the changing booth, and then went to goof off with pretty much everyone else. I saw Haruhi in her swimsuit the twins picked for her, and she looked absolutly adorable. It was a good choice for her. The twins were playing around with a beach ball, to which I joined in, and honey was on mori's shoulders, and laughing. I found myself staring every now and then and the twins would throw the ball in my face. 

"Y/n, what are you even looking at?" kaouru asked as he lined up his vison to see a laughing honey senpai. It was pretty obvious I was staring just at honey senpai. It took kaouru all of five seconds to realize this. "Why are you staring at honey sen-" He cut himself off seeing my face. "WAIT!" He looked at me and hikaru went next to him. "You like honey senpai?" He said looking really surprised. Hikaru had a smirk on his face.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I tried to deny. However, I failed majorly. The twins looked at me with a knowing smirk, and  caved. "Ugh fine. Yes I like him, but please, don't tell anyone."

"Tell him!" Kaouru urged. 

"I..." I sigh. "We're really close, and I don't want to end up ruining it. Besides, on the ride over he asked me what love feels like, because he said he might like someone but isn't sure. If he dose like someone, it most likely isn't me. I mean, come on, who in their right mind would date me. I'm a nobody. Like Rika said, I'm nothing but a disgusting tranny. Caught up in a delusion, a person I'll never truly be-" I'm cut off by a hard slap on the cheek delivered by hikaru.  

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