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I was out taking Annie for a morning walk, when next thing I know, I'm abducted by lobelia and stuffed into a limo with her. "Hey! What the hell!?" I yell out, while Annie barks. Haruhi just sits there, unsure of what to do as the limo starts to move. Just my luck I left my phone on my bed. I unlock the door, only for the driver to relock it before I can open the door. I keep doing this several times, until haruhi places her hand on my shoulder. 

"Hey, just stop. We're not getting out of here." I sigh, and lean back against my seat, Annie snuggling close to me.

"This sucks."

"You're telling me. I don't suppose you have your phone with you?" I shame my head no. "Then I guess we'll just have to wait for the guys to get us."

"Lets hope they do. I don't want to spend a day with these bozos." We arrive at lobelia academy, and are taken to their club room, and handed their uniforms. They leave without much of a word after shoving us in changing rooms. I look at it and scoff. "There's no way in hell I'm putting this on. I'd rather die first." Haruhi doesn't say anything, and I'm assuming she's decided to put it on. 

"Shizuru, where are our guests?"

"In the changing room, of course." I hear someone go over to haruhi's room, and open the curtians.

"How's that size?" I hear a slight gasp.

"You're gorgeous maiden. I mean, haruhi." I roll my eyes as I hear the same girl go to mine. 

"What about you-" She pauses. "What's wrong? Is it too small? Why aren't you wearing it?"

"Because I've said it time and time again, I am a guy. You are not making me wear a skirt or dress or whatever." I said, throwing the outfit over her head. Yes, I'm acting like a child, but it seems that this might be the only way for me to get them to listen. "I'd rather die before putting that thing on." I walk out in the same jeans and shirt I was wearing when I was abducted, Annie in my arms. She sighed, and Benibata got an idea. 

"Very well. How about we all have some tea and relax then?" I looked at haruhi skeptically, and she shrugged. 

"Fine. But only one cup."

"Perfect." She said and went to get the tea set. One of the girls offered us some seats, which I hesitantly took. My mind was screaming that something was going to happen. I just didn't know where. The tea came out, and I was handed a cup of it. Whatever was in it smelled awful. Bitter.

"This smells weird." I commented.

"It does? Huh. I never noticed." She took a sip of her tea. "It's likely just you." I gave her an unsure look, and shrugged, taking a sip of the tea. It was bitter, and gross, and I put the cup down deciding that I wasn't going to drink anymore. A few minutes later, I started feeling bad. 

"Ugh, I don't think that tea is agreeing with me. Did you put something in it?"

"Oh nothing bad, just a little ketamine."

"What?!" Everything seemed to slow down. "Y-you're crazy lady!" I got out, my words slurred a tiny bit. She shrugged and finished her tea, and pulled me into her. 

"Sleep darling. Everything will be better when you wake up." Her voice sounded echoey and far away. The drug overtook me, and everything went black.

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