Rescue and desaster

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Tamaki's plan was to rescue haruhi mid show, and I only slightly agreed. I wanted out of here as soon as we could make it, so honestly, I didn't care much. "Here's her entrance." Mori said, as the curtians came up, and I wanted to scream. Haruhi looked awful! Her makeup was way to heavy as tamaki, oh so kindly screamed in my ear. But, he decided to let her have her moment as she sweated slightly under the lights.  

"We can sneak around here afterwords."

"After the entire performance, or after the first act?" I asked to clarify.

"Let's watch this, and see how it goes. We'll decide later." I nodded, and adjusted Annie in my arms. During the entire performance, she was stiff, and awkward. It was clear she didn't like it, but I can't stop the show. I don't have that power! If I did, we'd be out of here ages ago. The we heard murmers of a kiss scene.

"Kiss scene?"

"Don't worry. They're usually fake, with a little gap. Not enough so the audience would notice, but it's there." I lied. They are real, just usually don't mean anything. But we don't need them causing a-

Lights flashed on us from multiple angles, and we all panicked slightly. They planned this!

"Senpai? And dad?!" Benibata pulled haruhi close to her.

"Right before his eyes I'll steal your first kiss. All for the sake of revenge."

The crowed erupted, but not in a good way. 

"NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS, WILL DADDY ALLOW HIS LITTLE GIRL, TO BE USED IN SUCH A DESPICABLE WAY!" He slipped on a banana peel before he could make it to the stage. I handed Annie over to Mitsukuni, and ran as fast as I could, avoiding the spot where tamaki slipped, and jumped, trying to reach the platform before it got too high for me to reach, but was just barely short. 

"Victory is mine, you poor, incompitent buffoon! Now behold as we embrace." She turned to haruhi. "My love~"

"You're crazy lady." Haruhi faught against her as a white screen came down. Kyoyas work likely. Everything went dark as a picture of haruhi kissing a girl came on.

"What in the world?" Ranka was raging at this. Never get between a father when angry. Especially haruhi's. And benibata wasn't happy either.

"Haruhi! Jump down! I'll catch you!" She jumped. And instead of tamaki catching her, he just broke her fall. Saw that coming. Haruhi's dad was mad, tamaki was trying to protect her, and the other members of the zuka club were trying to stop her. It was utter chaos, and I don't remember much of what happened until we were all out of there. But when we did, we all went home. It's been a long day.  

But honestly, I know no matter how many craziness we go through, everything'll be okay between all of us. I just know it.

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