Meeting family

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I already told my parents, and my dad wanted to come with me, because he's protective, but my mom was able to keep him home. I had on a f/c and black flannel as a jacket, a pair of blue jeans and white shirt. I put on some sneakers I hadn't worn before, that I was going to wear after my current ones wore out. I made sure my glasses were clean, and my hair was nice. I wanted to make a good first impression on them after all. I made sure I had everything I needed, (Including my anxiety meds) and took a deep breath, messing with the bracelet Mistukuni gave to me yesterday. I made a vow to myself I'd never take it off. I heard the doorbell ring and opened to see Mistukuni. 


"As ready as I'll ever be." I say kind of nervous. We get into the car, and the driver dives us a smile while driving to his place. 

"Did you take your meds already?"

"I'm only supposed to take them after eating. If I take them before, it can make me sicker than the last ones, and I'll actually throw up." 

"I have a question about them. Are they daily medications, or whenever it's needed."

"Daily. I take them after dinner." I say. "I've got them in a little bag in my pocket." 

"Got it. I just wanted to make sure is all."

"No I get it don't worry. If it were you, I'd probably do the same thing to be honest." 

"My brother might ask some questions. He think's I'm an alien for some reason." I laugh.

"Okay, now I have to ask. Why does he think your an alien?"

"Because I eat a lot of cake or something. Also I think he's creeped out by cake night."

"And what's cake night?" 

"I get up in the middle of the night and eat a bunch of cake every week." I laugh more. I don't really know what to say at that. It is certainty funny though. We joke a bit through the ride, Mistukuni deciding at one point to tickle me, despite me hating it. I couldn't help but laugh at the feeling, but I did pout after because I hated the feeling. I tickled him to get back at him though. By the time we arrived, most of my anxieties had washed away, drowned by a sea of laughter. 

We walked in, and some maids gave us some slippers. I thanked them, and took off my sneakers. Mitsukuni's house was huge. Then again, I was sort of expecting that from him. "Come on! We're all in the common room until dinner's ready." He said with his bright and cheery smile, my hand in his as he lead me along. 

I was greeted by a brunette boy with blue glasses, a man with brown hair and a short beard with streaks of grey from age, and a woman with the same honey blonde hair as Mistukuni. "Tomo, come on. If he likes boys so what?"

"There's no way to continue our family!"

"There are ways for homosexual people to have kids. Egg donors, surrogates, tube babies, and our tradition can be continued through adoption anyways!"

"Still." He huffed. 

"Umm, hi?" I say kind of awkwardly, interrupting their little argument. They look at me, and the brunette boy rolls his eyes. 

"I was wondering when mother and father would notice you two." The woman stands up with a smile. 

"You must be y/n! Mitsukuni's told us a great deal about you!" She said, opening her arms for a hug, and wrapping me in them. I hug back as not to be rude. I see where he got his friendly behavior from. 

"Yes, that's me Mrs. Haninozuka."

"Please, call me Chiyo." I nod. "Sit down! I would love to know about you." We all sit down if we were standing before. 

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