(Side chapter) Selina's date

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If y'all want to, you can skip this chapter, this is just something I wanted to do since it's been a while since I've shown Selina. I thought it'd be fun to show her and mori going on a little date. Just something cute and sort of simple. It's gonna be from Selina's point of view. 

I look at myself in the mirror, biting my lip gently in anticipation. I wore a burgundy dress with cold shoulders, and two bits of white in the front of the skirt. On the side ending under the breasts were black ribbons, lacing up like a corset. I wore some black chunky heels and made use of my piercing's, in my left ear wearing a slim silver chain, attached to the top of my ear and earlobe, a small crystal at the bottom end, and a matching stud in my other ear. I fastened the front ends of my hair into a couple of braids and connected them at the back. I did a last fuss of my bangs and sighed.

"You look great. Don't worry about it Selina!" Y/n told me over the facetime call I had going on. I was just nervous. I know that. 

"Yeah. Thanks. I'm just nervous, you know?"

"Yeah, I get it. I was nervous too. It's gonna be fine though. And hey, if it doesn't, I can come over with some rocky rode ice cream and tissues, and we can watch sad movies and just cry." He paused for a second. "Well, you can, I might. I don't know." I laughed a little. 

"Thanks. Well, I'd better get going now."

"Have fun!" He said right before I ended the call. I don't know where I'd be if I didn't meet him. Probably still stuck with that bitch Rika, to scared to speak up against her. I've gained a lot of confidence since meeting him. I'm so glad to have a friend like him backing me up. I did one last check of everything, and got my purse before heading downstairs, seeing he was already here, and talking with my parents. Well, they were doing most of the talking. He was answering their questions. My dad was making sure he wasn't going to hurt me, while my mom was sitting there looking a little green and making sure my dad didn't go overboard with the questions. She's been feeling sick a lot lately, with this pregnancy she has with her third child. (My younger brother is at a friends house tonight.)

I clear my throat a little, and all eyes are on me. "Hey, you ready to go?" He nods, and bows to my parents. The moment he stands though, my mom rushed away. 

"Is she okay?"

"Yeah, just morning sickness." He nods and turns back to me. He told me we're going someplace nice to eat. He had some dress pants on, a white button up, and a grey jacket, along with a pair of dress shoes. 

"You look beautiful." He says, offering his hand to me with a small smile. I chuckle. 

"Thank you. You look very handsome."

"Thanks." With that we headed out. 

The ride was quiet, but not in an awkward way. It was calm, just the two of us. He didn't let go of my hand, and we sat side by side. We arrived, and he opened the restaurant door for me, while I giggled a little, grabbing his hand. 

"Reservation for morinozuka." He told the man up front. 

"Ah, yes. Follow me sir." He lead us to a table outside on a balcony with a beautiful view and sat us at a table. "Somebody will be out shortly." We nodded and he left.

"Do you like it?"

"Like it? I love it! It's beautiful mori. Thank you for bringing me." I said with a smile, and I could have sworn I saw his face going a little pink.

"It's nothing." We made our orders, and a slow song came up. Mori stood up and offered me his hand. "May I have this dance?" He asked me, and I grabbed his hand. 

"Of course."

We danced with the music and enjoyed ourselves. The music was sweet and gentle, and I let my mind get lost as mori led the dance. I was surprised though when I felt something on my lips, and opened my eyes in suprise to see that he had planted a kiss on my lips, which after I processed, returned happily as the song ended. We broke away, my face red as a tomato, and he smiled sweetly as we sat down again, just in time for our food to arrive. 

We ate and talked a little, while my face calmed down from its fit of redness, but overall just enjoyed being with each other. When the check came, we both got out our wallets. He saw me, and said, "I'll pay."

"I'm okay with splitting the bill if you want to."

"No, I'm paying."

"I've got it." Eventually I gave in, and let him pay, since it seems like he wasn't budging. 

We walked through a park nearby in the moonlight, admiring the sky hand in hand with each other. We walked over a small bridge above a lake, and I admired the water reflecting the night sky, when I felt a hand under my chin. Mori gently lifted my face to meet his for another kiss, giving me plenty of time to back away if I wished. I didn't, and he met my lips for one last kiss before we started home. 

It was a perfect end to a perfect date. 

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