twins fight

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I was playing some Salome music today, for no real reason, but it did make the hosts a little concerned. I swear though, I just like the sound of it. Reminds me of the corpse bride. The twins decided to play a game called 'which one is hikaru'. Me and haruhi agree its the stupidest game ever. Haruhi doesn't understand why the two of them are so popular. I do, I just dont say anything. But girls like fangirling over cute gay couples. I'm pretty sure for the twins, they're just really close, and that there's nothing actually there, but I could be wrong.

But I'm actually gay. And personally, I dont want the girls fangirling all over me and setting me up with someone whos not my type, just because we're both gay. Plus a lot of the guys I've dated in the past, left me when they found out I'm trans. That hurt a lot, and I dont want to be hurt again. So I'm not looking for a relationship right now. The twins were explaining why they brought in a lot of points to the club, and that girls fangirl over cute gay relationships. They were also explaining why twins were also so popular, and I just rolled my eyes. One lover is enough for me, thank you very much. Well, if I ever fall in love again. I guess you can say because of past experiences, I'm scared of falling in love again. 

Tamaki-senpai was mad as a bull, because the twins did something to the clubs website. I didn't even know we had that. They said "We take our job very seriously boss." 

"In fact, last night we worked on it till dawn."

Hearing that I mumbled to myself, "Press x to doubt." and finished up my song. Starting a new one, I heard Tamaki-senpai yelling at the twins to explain something. I decided not to look at first and continued with my song. But I stopped in confusion and alarm, when I heard Tamaki-senpai yell something.


I got up to see what he was talking about. It was a photoshopped picture of haruhi. I rolled by eyes and went back to the piano restarting the song I was playing previous to my halt. Tamaki-senpai was trying to get haruhi to wear a certain dress. I'm just glad he's staying away from me. Honey-senpai was very confused on why he had a dress, and what he was doing with it. 

The twins were going on about how haruhi was their toy, when we heard a new voice. I was just finishing the song when we heard it. "you want a toy?" We all looked at the new person. "Toys... Toys! If you like toys you should come and visit my black magic club." he started going on about how they had a marketplace with cursed items, and how they are always holding masts. he was trying to persuade us to join. I walked over and now I was just listening, because why not?

"Why is he talking to us through a crack in the door?"

"Has that door always been there?" Kyoya-senpai proceeded to explain that nekozawa-senpai likes to hide, and hates bright lights. 

"Dont get involved with that guy." Tamaki-senpai said creeping up behind haruhi and I. We turned around, startled. "If you do, you'll end up being cursed!"


"Do you have any basis for that?"

"Yes. It happened during the final exams during the last school year." This is gonna be interesting. "Its terrifying just to talk about it. I Accidentally stepped on his cursed doll, belzenef. Afterwards, I took my exam, and the entire test was written in some strange lettering! I looked to the others around me for help and realized I  knew none of them! I WAS ALONE IN A DIFFERENT DIMENTION!"



"THATS AWSOME!" I yelled with a bright look on my face. Everyone looked at me. "What?"

"How is that awesome?! That's terrifying!" Honey-senpai yelled. 

"A different dimension. One where nobody knows about what I am. A place where I can have a fresh start, and not have to worry about bits of my past resurfacing. And who knows. possibly one where I dont have homophobic parents." I said the last one loud enough so only he and the rest of the host club could hear. I felt a had on my back. Honey-senpai was patting my back with a smile, and his usual flowery aura. 

"Everything will be okay y/n-chan!" He said cheerily. I smiled. Not as bright as before, but still happily.

"Thanks honey-senpai." I said hugging him. It was only for like 3 seconds and then I pulled away. His face was pink though when I pulled away. Why was that? 

"Tamaki, you do realize that the strange language was Greek right? you were so scared you went into the beginning Greek class and took their exam." I laughed at this lightly. 


"your legs were heavy, because you ran a marathon the day before, remember?" I laughed harder. 

"Never underestimate the power of the cursed doll belzenef." Tamaki-senpai looked terrified. "All you have to do is write the name of someone you hate on his back, then that person is sure to come face to face with, misfortune." The twins were plotting something. They shone a flashlight at nekozawa-senpai and tamaki-senpai scaring them both. Nekozawa-senpai went back to his club room, panicked. I went back to the piano, and started a new song. The twins were talking about how bored they were. 

"Hey haruhi! y/n! we have a favor to ask you." I stopped. I can just restart the song. 

"What?" I said looking at the twins. 

"What is it?"

"The next time we get a day off,"

"Can we come to one of you guys places to hang out?"

"Why would you want to do that?" We asked at the same time.

"We're curious! We want to see where you guys live!"

"No way." We said at the same time again.

"Aw, pretty please?"

"No way, you guys are just gonna make fun of me."

"And you guys are already coming to one of my volleyball games." 

"That's different."

"Still no." I lowered my voice so only they could hear. "Its nothing personal, but I dont trust you to not blow my secret in front of my family." 

"We wont though!"

"Its not happening."

"No matter how much we beg you?" I sigh. 

"Unless you want to be in a household that's so toxic and yet, unknown to my parents, listen to me being constantly misgendered and called by the wrong name, call me by my dead name, refer to me with the wrong pronouns, and witness me internally screaming and struggling to not snap, no." They looked at each other. 

"Dang... its that bad?"

"Yes. Its not abusive, but its not great. Honestly, its safer not bring friends home, than bring them, and risk them exposing me. Even if they do promise not to, people slip up all the time. I'd just rather not risk it." the twins looked sad.

"I too think its about time we pay a visit to y/n and haruhis homes."

"No way in hell senpai."

"Hey listen, my mom doesn't allow me to bring over any of my guy friends, or let any of my guy friends in the house. She's... overprotective, and Isn't a fan of me even having any guy friends. She cant stop me from having them, but she can stop me from letting them over. Okay? Its really not my say."

"Fine." They turn towards haruhi while I get back to my song. I wasn't really paying attention until the song as about over. The twins were yelling at each other. 



"YOUR MAMA WEARS TOO MUCH MAKEUP! THATS IT WE'RE THROUGH!" All was quiet for a minute. I was thinking 'dont you two have the same mom?'

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