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After school, Salina came up to me right before I started riding my board home. "Hey y/n, can I talk with you today? Your place?"

"Oh, um... How about the park, that sound good?"

"Yeah." We walk to the park, I sit on a bench, and she sits next to me. "I'm so sorry bout today. I didn't know-"

"It's fine. Besides you looked like you had no idea that would happen."

"Yeah. Rika just told me to record something, but when I found out what was happening I was too terrified to move. I'm so sorry."

"It's cool. Besides, I've been treated worse."


"You don't understand how much dead naming hurts." She's quiet for a minute.


"Wait you're-"

"Also trans? Yeah. My parents were pretty supportive so I was able to get estragon and blockers before puberty fully took a hold, and my voice fully dropped." 

"Lucky! My parents are homophobic and transphobic. Doesn't help me, since I'm trans and gay."

"Bi here." She chuckles. "So do you like anyone?" My face flushes and I snap my head towards her.


"YOU DO! Who is it?" She asked. I'm quiet for a minute before I ask myself something aloud.

"Who DO I like?" 

"You don't know?" I shake my head.

"If I do, I don't have a clue who it is."

"Okay who do you hang around with most?"

"I don't know. I mostly hang out with the host club."

"SO maybe someone in there?"

"Possibly." I say.

"Should I guess?" I nod.

"Sure, why not?"

"Okay, so do you at least know your type of guy?" I think about it for a minute.

"Well, obviously someone who's not transphobic, someone who's a little older than me, but is really nice. I'm not too picky on looks, but someone who looks approachable. The kind that seems cold or things like that are a no go if we're talking a romantic partner, but okay if we're just talking friend."

"That literally eliminates all but three. Damn boy, you certainty know what you look for in a man." I shrug.

"I guess so." She thinks for a minute.

"Okay so is it kyoya-senpai?" She looks at my face to see nothing. "Or not. I'm not seeing any reaction to that... Okay so, tamaki senpai?"

"Nah. Besides I'm pretty sure he has a thing for someone else, and doesn't even realize it."


"I'm not allowed to say." I say with a smirk and a finger to my lips. 

"Well that only leaves honey senpai- wAIT!" my face flushes and I hope she doesn't notice how red I am when she looks at my face. 

"What?" I say realizing that what she's about to say is 100% right.

"You like honey-senpai?!" She says with a shocked face.

"Okay listen here, I'm just now realizing this too, and I'm freaking out just as much as you." She smiles. 

"Just invite me to the wedding."

"SALIEA!" I yell at her with my face even redder and my eyes wide. I push her a little while she's laughing. After a minute I start laughing with her. But my mind is still in a slight state of shock. I like honey-senpai.

What's more, I'm not afraid of being in love with him.

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