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When we got back to the music room, tamaki tossed him onto the couch, and honestly, it looked like it hurt. "What is your problem you big idiot?" He yelled, presumably at tamaki.

"I'm sorry, but you're the idiot." The boy gasped. "You said that you wanted me to teach you how to make women happy, but that's not it is it? You're not concerned With the happiness of just any woman, You've got your sight set on one woman in particular. You only care about one, and that's Hina Kamishiro." The boys eyes widened and he gasped. We got him. "But I'm afraid, there's nothing I can do to help you with that. Listen shiro, I know that I told you that it's the job of a host to make woman happy, but wen you care for someone, you must find the courage to express what is in your heart! You have to tell her how you feel about her!" Tamaki sighs. "You didn't come to me to become a full fledged host. You want to be a full fledged man." Shiro stared at all of us for a minute. 

"It doesn't matter anymore. I've run out of time. I just... I wanted to hear her play... Before she left for good." 

"You haven't run out of time yet though!" I say, Gaining their attention. "She seems to want to play with you too. That piece she played, its motzart sonata in d major for 2 piano's correct?" Shiro looks up and nods. I head over to the piano and start playing it. My old piano teacher had me play it vigorously and even though I hated it at first, I grew used to it, and I enjoy plying it now. I sometimes play it during hosting hours. "For the next week, you are going to be here early morning, lunch recesses, and afternoons here in concentrated piano lessons with me. Be ready, and either eat a heavy breakfast, or bring your lunch and eat quickly. We have until Friday for you lo learn this."

"But, why are you doing this? I called you those names."

"Two reasons. The first is that I believe in second chances. The second, is that the little girl, hina seemed to really want to play with you too. In fact, she looked like that was what she wanted most before she left. So strap in shiro, we have a lot of work to do."

I informed people that I wasn't taking requests this week, if they asked. Teaching shiro was a little difficult, but he was very determined. I sometimes slowed it down so he could see right, and if he got a note wrong, I would correct it by moving the finger to the right key. He was a quick learner, and by Friday, was ready to perform. 

Hina arrived at music room 3 on Friday afternoon, and we all bowed, except honey senpai, who clinged to mori senpai. The little girl seemed confused and awe-struck at the same time. "I present to you, shiro takaoshi's piano recital." Tamaki said bowing and revealing shiro. Tamaki pulled out the other chair there. "If you please, princess." And she smiled and sat in the chair. I had my phone out after she sat down to record it. Pride and happiness swelled up within me as they started to play together. Is this what parents feel like seeing their children perform? They both looked so happy as they played side by side, each at their own grand piano. Haruhi and tamaki senpai were whispering about something, but I didn't hear it. I didn't care either. I just wanted to record this while I could. 

About 10 days later

"So, you've been exchanging e-mails with hina every day now that she's in Germany?" Haruhi asked shiro.

"Yeah more or less. I like her, but she can get pretty jealous for an elementary school girl. She'd be upset if she knew I was with you ladies, so let's keep this our little secret." The girls on shiro went wild, and the two closet to him kissed his cheeks, while others were wishing they had a little brother just like him. I sighed. I guess I was okay with kisses if they were on the cheek, and cuddles. He must be having the time of his life other there. But I was to busy laughing at how jealous tamaki senpai was.  Shiro has a lot in common with tamaki senpai. It's funny to watch really. 

I'm so glad I gave honey my phone to record him exploding. This would go viral online.

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