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Todays my parents wedding anniversary. Next year's going to be 20 years married for them. Not important to the story, but I wanted to say it. 

A little after the 'incident' while still not fully recovered, the twins had found my binder and vest, and so I changed back into that and returned the tee shirt I borrows to the girl who had lent me it. Currently, I was now 'hellfish shunting' with honey senpai. He invited haruhi to join us, who was amazed at how much shellfish we had found. I had to admit, it was pretty impressive. I absolutely love shellfish, and we had a plan to cook it tonight and I was exited. 

"We're gonna have some fancy food tonight!" Haruhi said smiling. She turns around and sees tamaki. "Senpai! Dinner is gonna be awesome! It's a major haul!" She yells smiling. I see someone else is a seafood fan. Tamaki starts cooing over her like a proud father. "Dinners gonna be awesome its a real treat!" Tamaki picked up a crab and stood near us. 

"Tell me haruhi, isn't this crab, crab-tivating?" I laughed at the bad pun. I love terrible jokes. After all, who doesn't?

"Oh yeah!"

"You're so cute." Then we found a centipede on the crab and people ran, while I stood there confused. It's just a centipede, it isn't going to kill you. Haruhi picked it up and threw it over some rocks. 

"Hey haruhi!" The twins said coming up to her. 

"Now, I know most girls aren't the bug-loving type, and I certainty didn't think that you were, but..." Kouru picked it up.

"Don't you think you could have been a little more gentle with that little guy?"

"Oh come on, it's not dead. It takes a lot more than that to kill a bug."

"You would have to physically crush it to kill it. Most bugs can live for a while without it's head so crushing it would be the best bet. Plus, they've got pretty sturdy exoskeletons." I said, to myself while I laid on the beach, minding the stitches in the back of my head. The girls came back talking about how brave and manly he is for getting rid of a bug. 

"Well isn't that just great."

"Haruhi's not normal, I thought girls were afraid of bugs."

"I'm sure she's afraid of something..." The twins got an idea.

"Hey boss! We just thought of a new gave to play that could be a lot of fun. What do you say? It's called the 'who can find out haruhi's weakness game!" I stood up and walked off at this time, not knowing what to do now. Everyone else was on board with it though. 

"Hey y/n-chan!" I saw honey senpai running towards me, and my face flushed slightly. 

"Hey honey senpai." I said smiling slightly. 

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah why?"

"You lost a lot of blood there." He pointed out. 

"It's fine. I'd say I only lost around a liter of blood, so I'm fine."

"That's still a lot."

"Not really. It's just gonna suck for a few days while the blood replenishes, but I'll live."

"That's good, but you should take it easy. I don't want you to hurt yourself more, or end up overexerting yourself okay?" I didn't think here, I just rubbed his hair, ruffling it a bit.

"I'll be fine. But thanks for worrying senpai." He pouted a bit, but smiled. 

"Okay." He said before skipping off. I was internally freaking out since I did that but decided to just lay down on a chair and take a nap. I'm feeling pretty sleepy after all.

Honey pov

I know y/n-chan said not to worry about him, but I can't help it. He's been through a lot, and doesn't talk about it much or let us help. Mentally, he can't be doing good. I really wish he'd open up a bit more about his issues, but I don't wanna force him. I look over to see him laying in a lounge chair taking a nap. I grab a towel and lay it over him like a blanket, and look around. Nobody seems to be looking, so I place a light kiss on his cheek. My face goes pink, and I try to act like noting happened.

"I saw that." I jump and turn around to see takashi.

"You did?" I ask nervous.

"You like him, right?" I nod. "Tell him sometime."

"I'm not ready to do that yet..."

"Your third years, meanwhile we're first years." Hika-chan chimed in startling me.

"If you don't tell him soon, you might never get the chance to do so." kou-chan said placing a hand on my shoulder and smiling with a sneaky smile.  

"How did you-"

"It's obvious you like him. I'm sure basically all of us know besides tamaki." They said shrugging. I sighed.

"I'll think about it. Okay?" I say rubbing the back of my neck. 

"Alright! Tell us how it goes if you do!" They said before leaving. 

Their right though. I'm a third year. If I wait too long, I might never be able to. 

The only issue is, I need to find the right time to tell him. 

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