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TW!! Self hate!

I woke up on honey-senpai's back, to see haruhi and tamaki fighting. Something about her being a girl? "What's going on?" I asked, still kind of drowsy. 

"Oh! Y/n-chan! You're up!"

"Yeah, and I'm very confused. Mind filling me in on what happened?"

Honey senpai started telling me about how these guys were harassing some girls, and that haruhi stepped in and like me, almost drowned. Now, tamaki was mad at her for putting her life on the line. Not knowing what to say about the situation I stayed quiet, and tried to get down. But honey held my legs firmly in place. "Can I get down? I can still walk you know." He hesitantly let me down so I could walk beside him.

When we got back to the hotel, honey asked me, "Hey y/n-chan! Wanna cook with me?"

"Sure! But we're covered in salt water... How about we take showers first and meet in the kitchen?"

"Sounds good!" He said skipping off to his room, and I walked to mine, taking off my swim trunks, vest and binder, and running a shower. I kept thinking if I should tell honey how I feel, as I washed off the salt water. When I finished up, I decided right now isn't the right time. I went to get dressed, and thank any god that exists, that my parent's didn't repack my bag. I Put on some baggy shorts and a tee, with an oversized hoodie to cover some of my chest. Rolling up the sleeves, I slipped on some slippers and went down to the kitchen. 

Their weren't any maids, so mori senpai, honey senpai and I all cooked. The crab took a while, but it was so worth it. We all carried some out to the dining room. "Tada! Don't they look yummy?"

"I'll say!"

"I apologize there aren't any maids around to help you cook senpai."

"It's no big deal. We appreciate you letting us stay here!" I nodded. "Hey takashi, will you go get haru-chan?" He hummed and started walking away. He turned to me, and started staring at my face. 

"Is something wrong?" I asked when I noticed. 

"No it's just, you smile differently while you cook, you know?"

"I do?"

"Yeah. And I like the look of your smile." He said smiling himself. My face went pink.

"Oh, umm... Thank you." He looked out the window. 

"It's awfully gloomy out there huh? It looks like it's gonna rain."

"It's not just gloomy outside. It's pretty gloomy in here as well. Just take a look at senpai. Come on, quit moping boss." Hikaru said gesturing to tamaki who was sitting behind a pillar.

"You shouldn't have picked a fight with her in the first place." It was then the doors opened, and harui and mori walked through. 

"Woaah!" Honey said in amazement seeing her. 

"Haruhi, where'd you get that dress?"

"From my dad. He must've repacked my bags when I wasn't looking. He's always trying to get me to wear this frilly stuff." The twins gave thumbs up. 

"That's awesome! Way to go dad!"

"You looks so cute haru-chan!"

"You really do. Now come on, let's eat. We don't want the crab to get cold now, do we?" I said smiling. We all sat down, sitting there for a few seconds in silence.

"Well this is uncomfortable."

"Yeah, kind of awkward." I sat there, shifting slightly in my seat. I was feeling anxious for some reason.

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