practice game

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Today was the day. 

Our practice game. 

A local high school is training for nationals, so they asked us for a practice game or two to help them train. We agreed of course and scheduled a game for Saturday. Sure we don't usually meet up on Saturdays, but everyone was free so it was no problem. The host club met up with me at a park an hour before the game. "Hey y/n!" Hikaru called. I turned and saw the twins walking up to me. 

"Hey guys."


"Not really. In fact, I'm exited! I haven't had a game in a while."

"Where's everyone else?"

"Their on thei-"

"Y/N!!" I heard tamaki yell from behind me, and before I could even comprehend what was happening, he had picked me up and started spinning me around. When he put me down I was really dizzy, and almost fell over. 

"Hey tamaki-senpai." I said after the dizziness subsided. 

"Do your best out there you hear?"

"Of course I will." I looked behind him to see that kyoya had arrived, and was walking to us, so I waved it him. He nodded in response.  

"Hey y/n." I heard haruhi say from next to the twins. 

"Hey haruhi."

"Y/N-CHAN!" I heard honey senpai say, and the next thing I knew I was on the ground my face buried into his chest. I scramble up, my face bright red from embarrassment, and hold out my hand to help him up. 

"Hey honey-senpai. Is mori-senpai here?"

"He's right over there." He said pointing a little ways down the sidewalk. I waved and like kyoya he nodded. When he got closer he placed his hand on my head.

"Do good." I smile.

"I will. Now come on, everyone's here now so lets get to the school. There's a platform people watch from. There should be some stairs to get there. I need to meet up with my team, and change and things like that." I said while we all started walking to kame high school. 

I was waved over by my teammates and captain. One thing about my team, is that we're one of the few intersex teams. Around half are female and the other half male. It makes it hard to get games, so we always take what we can. Sora greeted me and told me to go get changed, so I took my bag to the locker room and changed in a stall. I slipped my shoes on and went next to Ai to warm up and stretch. Number 5 from the opposing team asked me my position and gave me the jersey with an 'L' on it, which I slipped on before resuming. Our ace, Tomo, was given sets by our setter Hanako, and spiked them all at us to practice our receives. I had no problems with them, but a few of our middle blockers did. 

"Y/n, help them out real quick."

"Planned on it Sora." I said and started adjusting their forms. "Okay Mato, try receiving the ball now." He received it no problem.

"WOW! Thanks y/n!" He said and gave me a high five. The ref blew the whistle. It was time to start. Sora shook hands with the other teams captain, and we got in position for starting the game. We chose to receive first, and their number 3 was first up to serve with a jump serve. It went right to Ai, who sent it to Hanako who then set it to Mato for a quick attack. He was met with a triple block and I dived in to save the ball before it could hit the ground. I tried to send it to Hanako but it was short. 

"Cover!" Sora received the ball and sent it back to Hanako, who acted like she was going to sent it to Orochi, but instead decided to pull a setter dump. Their libero came close to saving it, but was a fraction of a second too late. The score is now 1-0. 

The other team went with another jump serve. "It's out!" I call, and it goes ahead and passes the white line before meeting contact with the floor. 2-0 now. And now its our serve. First up to serve is kai, who goes with a regular serve. They receive it flawlessly, and it's sent to their setter. Their setter sends it to one of their middle blockers, who does a quick attack. He's met with a double block, but does a cross shot. It goes to Tomo who sends it to Hanako. Hanako then sets for Orochi so he can do a quick attack. However he's met with a double block. I'm unable to receive it in time. 


Orochi grumbles slightly, and I pat his shoulder. "Hey it's fine. Shake it off. You'll get the next one!" I say with a thumbs up and a smile. It's still kai's serve so he goes for another normal serve. It ends up going to their libero who is able to send it to their setter. I keep my eye on him, and at the last second dive in to save the ball from his setter dump. Sora sends it to Hanako, who sets the ball for Ai. Ai goes in for a feint at the last second, and scores another point. 


~Time skip brought to you by a lazy author who doesn't want to bore you too much~

We ended up taking the first set, but lost the second and third. The first game went to them, and now we were on a water break. "Hey y/n, where are your friends?" Sora asked me. I took a drink of my water and looked around spotting them.

"Right there." I said pointing to them, and then I waved. The twins seemed to be recording it for some reason, which annoyed me since you could only record official matches. This wasn't an official match. This was a practice match. I sighed and turned to Sora. "Excuse me I have to yell at the twins over there for recording an unofficial match." I said before I turned and walked to them.

"Hey guys?" I yelled up at them.


"Thanks, but hikaru, kaouru, you can only record official matches. I need you guys to delete the video's."

"Aw why?"

"Because during practice matches it's not okay. During an actual game like at nationals, the games are covered by the news. Players are okay with that. However, a lot usually aren't okay with being filmed during a practice match."

"Come on you two, delete it." Tamaki said, and kyoya gave them a death glare. They both sighed and deleted them. 

"Y/n!" Sora called, and I turned around. "It's time for the next game. Come on."

"Coming!" I yelled as I jogged over to my team, and we all got in position for the next game. 

After the games were over, my team and I went out for ramen, a tradition we do every week. The club asked if they could tag along, which Sora said was alright, as long as they paid their share. Everyone pays for their own meals in this team, or at the very least pitches in. Tamaki was talking about how cool our team looked with Sora, honey and I were talking about sweets, Haruhi was talking with Ai about the craziness of the host club and family. Mori and Tomo were exchanging a few words. I'm honestly not surprised they get along so well, since they both are very quiet people. Hikaru was talking with Hanako about something, But I wasn't quite sure what. I couldn't hear it. And koauru was talking with Mato about something too. However, with all the chatter, I couldn't quite hear it. Lastly, kyoya was chatting lightly with Orochi about chess. At least I think. Other members were talking with each other, while they ate their ramen. 

I loved times like these. Talking with my friends over ramen, laughing together like one big crazy family. They're one of the few times I feel like I truly belong.

If only they could last forever.

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