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The next day I wake up, put my glasses on, and wrap my chest as usual. I look flat as a board, and it's good. I'm glad that the twins offered to make a binder for me though, since it is a little hard to breathe. I'm used to it though. It's fine, right? Right! Checking my bag for the millionth time to make sure I have my tank top and bra, I nod to myself in affirmation. I could go with just the tank top, but then my nipples would show though and that would be VERY awkward. I grab a manga and slip it in my bag , along with a small jar. Grabbing and slipping on my favorite hoodie, I get down and see my mom making eggs. "Morning y/d/n! you want some eggs?" I look at the time and shrug. 

"Sure." I eat quickly before slipping on my vans and grabbing my board and bag from the floor. "Bye mom!"

"Bye y/d/n!" I internally cringe at hearing my dead name, but I dont let it show. Putting my headphones in, I start to skate to school, and I make it there a little early in fact. when I get in though, I'm met with two redheaded twins, and a tall blonde. 

"Hey come on y/n!" hikaru said. 

"Where to?"

"Club room!" kaouru said, and I nodded, and walk beside them. We make it to the club room, and I'm asked, "did you bring a tank top?" To which I nod. They point over to a curtained section. "Go change. We decided we'll take them early." I nod and head over, slipping off my hoodie and tee shirt. I unwrap my chest, and feel a lot better. I grab my sports bra, and slip that on, my tank top over it, and exit the area.

"Okay what now?" I say as I exit. They look at me, and their faces go red. "Guys? You okay?" I say concerned. 

"Oh right! Arms out like this." Hikaru says, as he basically t-poses. I almost laugh, but manage not to. kaouru looks around for a tape measurer, and finds one quickly. He begins to measure the top of my chest, and while he's doing that, honey senpai and mori senpai come in. 

"Hey, what's going on?" We look at him. "What's with measuring the top of his chest? I'm confused." I chuckle slightly.

"Oh, well, their measuring me so they know what dimensions to use for a binder. This is how you measure a..." I trail off. 

"Oh... okay!" He seems to get it now. "We just came here for a little cake before class started! didn't know that you guys were measuring in the morning!"

"Don't worry, neither did I." I said with a soft smile. He smiles brightly, and goes to eating his cake. The twins finish up, and start asking me some questions. (I'm going to base the description off of the binder I have irl. My parents aren't happy that I'm trans and wont call me by my chosen name, but they did let me get a binder. They think its a phase though, and that calling me by my dead name will get me out of it quicker. Its a very toxic household. They already weren't happy when I came out as bi. It sucks man.)

"Okay so what color do you want?"


"Do you want it to be a slip on, zip up, or hook and eye?"

"Hook and eye."

"Okay, front or side?"

"Side. And before you ask, it doesn't matter what side."

"Alright then, half vest, or full vest?"

"Half vest." 

"Alright! Thanks y/n. You can go and change back now."

"Thank you guys. It really means a lot to me." I say as I pull them both in a hug.

"It's nothing y/n." I go off to change. When I get out, I ask Tamaki something.

"Hey Tamaki senpai, is it okay if I leave my skate board here during the day? It can be annoying to carry it around all day long."

"Yeah sure! Just dont leave it out in the open." I smile. 

"Thanks!" I leave it over by the piano on its side. That's where I usually am so it makes sense that my board is there. I'm about to leave for class when kyoya senpai stops me. 

"Y/n, what are you doing?"

"Tamaki senpai said I could leave my board here during the day, as long as I dont leave it where people can trip on it." I said. He sighed, and muttered to himself. I thought about it, and decided, I wasn't going to ask him about being able to play for tips. I just decided, I'll cross that bridge when it comes to it. The twins stopped me right before I left the club room. 

"Okay, so we've got a design. Come see what you think!" I walk over and look at the design, and sketch they came up with. 

"Its perfect guys!" I say close to tears because of how happy I am. They high five each other. "But you guys do know its almost time for class, right?" Everyone in the club rooms eyes widen besides kyoya and mori.

"I know. I was mostly here to get Tamaki."

"Come on Mistukuni. Finish up, we have to go."

"Okay!" Honey senpai says as he finished up his cake. I chuckle. How can he eat that much cake? It's pretty funny. The twins are packing up their things in a hurry to get to class on time. 

"Race you two to class!" I say running off. I ran a lot when I was younger, and still do to this day, so I'm pretty fast. I distantly hear in the background, the twins yelling at me, but amusement was lacing their voices. 

"HEY! NO FAIR!" They yelled as they ran after me to catch up. I laugh and keep running till I'm at the classroom door, the twins not far behind me.

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