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Today we were dressing up like characters from Alice in wonderland, and I was secretly geeking out. I absolutely love Alice in wonderland. It's amazing. My dad's a big fan of it, and It grew onto me. Mistukuni knows I like it. He's seen the books in my room, and my dad has a framed poster for the live action one produced by Tim burton. Only thing I hate about him is he's racist. But his movies are really good though. 

Then I saw the twins. Both dressed as the Cheshire cat. "Why are you both dressed as the Cheshire cat?"

"Why not?" They said. "We like it." I took a deep breath. 

"Okay. But you do realize we missed an amazing opportunity here right?" They looked at me and shook their heads. "The tweedle twins?" 

"OH! Aren't they bald though?" I sigh.

"You've only seen the live action, haven't you?"

"Yeah why?" 

"In the older movie produced in 1951, and in the original book produced by louis Carrol in 1865, the tweedle twins are red heads. And just about as cheeky as you two as well." 

"That's what I told them! But nooo we have to have two Cheshire cat's." Tamaki said. 

"It makes no sense. An opportunity wasted." I sigh. "Oh well." The twins were discussing something as I went to grab my costume. I was the march hair, and honey was the white rabbit. Well, it was more then pink rabbit due to his bunny ears, but it was adorable. And it made sense to me why I was the march hair, who much like the door mouse and mad hatter, were all depicted as off their rocker, crazy or otherwise plain insane. I'm considered crazy when I'm mad, so to me, it makes perfect sense. 

I saw haruhi was asleep at a table. I guess she was tired. Probably studying late last night. It happens. I decided to leave her be. "We're changing to the tweedle twins!" Hikaru and kaouru said in unison before heading to the dressing room to change. I was smiling, and next thing I know, I'm on the ground because of a tackle hug from honey. We're both laughing our heads off, and nobody even bats an eye. It's normal at this point. We get up after we calmed down a little.

"You exited?"

"Very. I love Alice in wonderland." He swept some of my bangs away from my face, and kissed my cheek. "What about you?"

"I'm pretty exited! And I love this costume! It's so cute!"

"It's absolutely adorable." He beamed, and started skipping around excitedly, while I began to warm up on the piano. Since we were doing Alice in wonderland, I think I'll try to keep my songs based around it for today. I think it'd be a good touch. 

"Haruhi? Wow, I don't think I've ever seen you doze off before!" I finished my warm up and looked at her. 

"Hurry up and get ready, we have guests coming any minute now." She stared at all of us for a second.  

"You guys have way too much fun, you know that right?"

"Is there an issue with it though?" 

"No not really. I have to admit it though. Around here I can hardly tell when I'm awake!" 

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