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Haruhi's pov

I freaked out as y/n passed out, Annie yipping the whole time. As the members of the Zuka club fawned over me, some took y/n away. I tried to get to him, but didn't have any luck as they were holding me too tightly. "What did you do to y/n?! Drugging him?! He's right, you ARE crazy!"

"Now now, it'll wear off in an hour. We just need to get him into the outfit with no struggle. Surely you understand maiden~" She tapped my lip, and I moved my head away. I need to get away from these psychopaths! 

"Why did you kidnap us?!"

"Kidnap? No, we needed you two for something. Our leading actresses are in the hospital after an accident. However the show must go on! This is your chance to be a part of the theater!" 

"No. Not a chance. Sorry."

"You two would only have to memorize a handful of lines."

"The roles are more symbolic than anything."

"They just stands there, looking beautiful."

"You can manage that, right? I promise it'll be the easiest thing ever!" Y/n stumbled out of the room, fully dressed in the outfit, and I grabbed annies leash, and slung him over my shoulder, helping him to the door. 

"We're gonna let ourselves out."

"Huh? What's going on?" He asked, his words slurred.

"Nothing you need to worry about." I tell him, as the girls sob dramatically.  I ignored what was said as I kept him from falling on his face. That is until a mother was mentioned. 

"Benibatas late mother was an esteemed graduate of  the St. lobelia academy, prominent in the white lily league. To this day, it's said no woman looks lovelier in men's clothing."

"That's right! To honor her, we celebrate pink carnation day with the same flair of the pageantry, that made her name famous in the zuka club. Her whole life, benio had dreamed of being able to follow in her mothers footsteps." 

"If todays performance is canceled, that dream will be crushed along the ragged shores of fate!" My heart melted a bit.

"That sounds, awful." I moved y/n to the nearest couch and laid him down, Annie jumping up and curling next to him. I decided to help them, but being cautious about it."


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