Selina's crush

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I was eating with honey and Selina at lunch, when I noticed she was spacing out a lot. She wasn't acting like her usual, cheery happy self. "Hey, Selina, You good?" She snapped out of it.

"Huh? Sorry, I'm just lost in thought. I'm fine."

"Right, what about though?" Her face flushed red. Honey looked over as she put her face in her hands and started making sounds that were similar to whimpers. "Don't tell me, let me guess. Based on that reaction, I'm guessing it's safe to say you've got a crush on someone?" She nodded, and pulled herself together. 

"I don't wanna say anything. He's in the host club and-"

"Who? We might be able to set you two up!" Honey said cheerily. She mumbled something under her breath. 

"What was that?" She sighed and repeated it, louder this time so both of us could hear. 

"Mori-senpai." She said, her face redder than before. 

"You know, I kind of figured you were a fan of the more stoic type." I said, thinking of ways to get them together, as Selina messes with the ends of her long brown hair. 

"Takashi doesn't like games. He likes people who are honest. He has a softer look around you, so I say just go for it." Honey says, and continues eating his cake. 

"Okay... But would he even be okay with someone like me?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm transgender. A lot of people aren't okay seeing people like that." Honey chuckles. 

"Okay, usually I'm not one to tell secrets, but I'll let you in on one. Takashi's pansexual. He won't mind at all." Her hazel eyes lighten up, and a smile plays at her lips.

"Just go for it sometime. I'm not saying today, but eventually, okay?" She nods and hugs the both of us as the bell rings for the next class, and we all go our separate ways. 

Sorry for the short chapter, I'm working on exams and don't have that much time for updates. 

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