a 'normal' day in the host club.

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I get to the classroom, and walk in casually, barely even tired, but my lungs burning. I sat down like nothing was wrong, and as soon as I did so, the twins came crashing though the door. "NO FAIR Y/N! YOU GOT A HEAD START!"

"Well I thought with your long legs, you would have no problem catching up to me. Guess I was wrong." I said with a sly smirk. The twins were painting heavily, and I chuckled. "Anyways you two might want to sit down. Class is starting soon." They huffed and sat in their seats.

"How can you run so fast anyways?!"

"I don't know." I said lying through my teeth, and resisting the urge to chuckle. 

"Seriously, someone'd think you're an athlete, running that fast!" I shrug.

"Well... kind of."


"I'll explain later." Haruhi got in the room, and sat down at her seat, a few seconds before the teacher walked in and began class.

After classes were done me, haruhi, and the twins went to the club room, and kyoya handed us some bags. "Go change, were doing something today." I went to a changing room, and closed the curtain. I pulled out the outfit, and was surprised. It was a nice f/c kimono. Fairly simple, with a nice design at the bottom. I put it on, and looked at myself on the mirror. It covered the bandages completely, and there was no sign of my chest. 

Then I looked at my waist...

I've always had a petite girlish figure, and this, unfortunately, showed it. Oh well, I hope nobody will notice! I get out, and head over to the piano, pulling out the jar I was going to use for tips. I place it on the top of the piano when kyoya comes up to me. "Y/n what do you think your doing?"

"I noticed a lot of people coming up to me requesting songs, so I decided to start playing for tips from the guests, and charging for requested songs. That's not a problem, is it?" I said, feigning innocence. 

"You never talked to me about this."

"I figured, I'd cross that bridge when I came to it."

"You set a price for requesting songs?" 

"1000 yen. Anything more seems like overkill."

"You never discussed this though; how much we get. We are providing you with a piano to play on after all.

"I was thinking 20% of what I get, I give to you guys. The rest, I'm saving up so I can 1, get out of my house and move away from my homophobic and transphobic family, and 2, get my top surgery done eventually." I say looking at him as he thinks it over. 

"I want 30%"




"Fine. Give me a few minutes to write up a contract."

"It better say 25%! Anything else, and I'm ripping it up!"

"I'm true to my word when it comes to business y/n." I go back to what I was doing before hand, and after a few songs just to warm up, I just went on my phone, seeing as I had nothing to do, so I just looked at some memes I had saved on my phone. I laughed especially hard at one, and honey senpai came up to me.

"What's so funny y/n?" I showed him the image and he chuckled.

"What the- why?" He said laughing and I just shrugged

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"What the- why?" He said laughing and I just shrugged.

"I cant even think of a reason of why."

"What's my son laughing about?" I showed him the headline and he laughed too. They calmed down and went back to what they were doing, and I decided to eat some cake with honey senpai.

"Y/n, could you read this over and sign it?"

"Oh, sure. Let me grab a pen-" I say starting to get up.

"Use this." He says giving me the pen he has in his hand, and I place it on the table, reading the contract over. Sure enough, it says that I'll give them 25% of whatever profits I make, and I keep the rest. But any song requested, I have to play. I'm not allowed to say anything about someone singing along, even of they are terrible, or whatnot. I do have to talk with people though. And if I dont know the song, I'm required to learn it, for next time. I'm allowed 15 minutes total for a break, which seems fair. I sign the contract, after making sure that there wasn't any secondary page hidden behind the first, and give it back to kyoya. He nods in approval, and we all get into place for opening the club. I sit at the piano, and once the doors open, I start to play. My playing is just background music, so its quiet enough that the hosts can speak at their normal level of tone, but its still noticeable.

The day goes on, and I get some tips, and several song requests. It was all going pretty well in fact, until something caused me to stop playing...

well, more like someone.

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