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Okay, I've seen some comments on people asking why y/n can't just wear a sports bra or two in place of using bandages in the beginning. Well, I based his breast size off my own, and I have a set of double d's, so that sure as heck isn't happening. I know that many people have breasts small enough that it will work, but for me, it doesn't. I'm loosely basing it off of that, and so, I'm sorry.

I woke up to Annie licking my hand, and looked around. "What the fuck am I doing in a skirt?!" I yelled, seeing what they put me in. Fuck, they even got rid of my binder, and by the feel, put me in a bra and pair of panties that are way too tight. I hate it.

"Ah! My dear y/n, you're awake at last."

"Yeah, and mad as hell. I don't remember a lot, but I know you're responsible." 

"Would you join us in our play? You only need to memorize a handful of lines, and it would really be a huge help for us-"

"You can eat shit of you think I'll help you after doing this to me. Haruhi might help, but I'm out. You can ask one of the girls around the school, that ya know, actually go here to help you, but as for me, I'm leaving." I said, grabbing Annie, and walking out the door, ignoring their yells. 

After walking through the school for 20 or so minutes, I found the exit, and saw the guys waiting out there talking, something about ordering uniforms. "So, what's going on here?" 

"Y/n!/Y/n-chan!" The boys yell, running up to me, and hugging me, Mistukuni placing a kiss on my cheek. 

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"Where's haruhi!?" Tamaki yelled, with her dad at the same time.

"Calm down. I don't remember a lot, but I do remember some details. Everything feels like it's on a loop though, and I'm falling in the middle of it, so be patient. I remember being shoved with Annie into a limo, and driven here, and they wanted us to change into these. I refused, and they offered me some tea. After that, it's all fuzzy, and when I woke up, I was in this. I yelled, and left, easy as that. I didn't see where haruhi was though. Sorry." Mistukuni looked mad, and the others looked scared or concerned. "I don't remember much, but something about k... I think they said 'keta'? I'm not fully sure."

"Ketamine?" Kyoya asked. 

"Yes! That was it." I said, snapping my fingers. "Thanks." 

"Do you know what ketamine is?"

"Listen, I know it's a drug, I'm kind of out of it, and I feel like shit. They drugged my... tea." It clicks for me, which in hind sight, should have clicked sooner, but I'm drugged out of it okay? Give me a break. 

"I'm gonna kill them."

"Don't. I want to as well, but let's refrain from spilling any unnecessary amounts of blood." He pouted, but seemed to see my reasoning. "Although, I am a little peeved they got rid of my binder while I was knocked out. This thing is itchy." I said, adjusting it.  

"We need a way to get in. We should order uniforms for lobelia and go under- Ack!"

"People who only dress in the opposite sex's clothing recreationally, are insults to us professionals, or people like y/n."

"But we do need ways to get you guys in. I'll have no issue, but you guys on the other hand..." 

"Listen up! To infiltrate lobellia, you'll have to do exactly what I tell you. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am/sir." 

I sat next to them as I pet Annie, while they peered through a window. We all got shirts for the club to look like people who just really like the zuka club, and we're now keeping an eye on haruhi. "Can you see her? What's she doing?"

"It looks as though she's playing the hero of some, sentimental tragedy. But... she sounds like a robot." I chuckle.

"What, like you could do better." Hikaru glared at me.

"If I wanted to, yes. I grew up a drama and chorus kid. However, I don't appreciate being forced into my roles." If looks could kill, Hikaru would be dead. "And I especially don't appreciate being drugged, and while unconscious, a stranger seeing me naked, changing my clothes, and expecting me to act like everything's fine, and I'll play the part. Had they let me stay in my clothes I was wearing at the time and were nicer about asking, I might have actually agreed to being in the play. However, they lost that chance when they drugged me." He went silent, and turned back to watching what was going on. 

She started singing, and ranka panicked. but a beautiful voice came out of her mouth, but stopped when someone tripped over a chord. She was lip syncing with the song. "Hey newbies! If you want to be part of the benibata fanclub, you have to follow the rules! Now up on your feet!" Mori looked genially done with this plan, but went along with it. I put on a face like I wanted to be here, instead of working on receives. "To be a full fledged member your contact must be beyond reproach at all times! Now all together, with enthusiasm, let me hear those fanclub mottos!" Ugh, not this. 

"beni benibata, please hang in there for your adoring fans today. Beni benibata, you look magnificent." Mistukuni leaned into my ear for a sec. 

"If anyone looks magnificent it's you." I blushed, and nudged him a little. 

"And you look handsome as hell." Now it was his turn to go red as I said that with a small smirk and wink. Some girls came to ranka and tamaki to talk. while I sat by Mistukuni, snuggled into him slightly as he gave Annie some scratches, while we watched ranka blend in. Then we saw the combat wing. And that's when we started getting worried. This might end badly.

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