News trouble

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I had saved up for a few months to buy a kalimba, and I finally got one! It only took me a week to figure out how to play it thanks to the internet. Instead of playing piano like I usually would, since we were outside, I was playing the kalimba. I giggled at Mistukuni and mori who were trying to work together to eat soba. It was going poorly to say the least. "I didn't know you played kalimba y/n." One of the girls said. I think she's one of the ones who come only to listen to me play.

"Yeah, well, I just picked it up last week." I said shrugging. "It took me a little to get it, but it's worth it. It sounds really soothing. Ya know?" She nodded. 

"I could listen to it all day." She said moving closer, and lying down next to me. I let her, since I knew she wouldn't try anything. It's old news that I'm not into girls, and none of the girls try to confess to me anymore. And the ones who were there at the beach are all quiet about me being trans too. I'm really glad about that. The twins and tamaki were arguing about something. I didn't really listen in on it. "Tell me, do you like anyone?" I freeze for a second, before I resume. What am I supposed to say, I'm dating Mistukuni? "You do! Can you tell me who?"

"Me too!" 

"I wanna know!" The girls that are here to listen to my playing crowd around me. I think for a minute before I speak.

"I do, and we're currently dating."


"We haven't decided to tell people yet, so I'm afraid I can't say. But when we do, I'll be sure to let you know." They all frown.


"Sorry, I'm afraid not. Relationships are built on trust, and I don't want to break his by telling people." They all sigh.

"Oh well. I'm sorry for asking something like that. It was admittedly, sort of uncalled for." The girl who asked me said. 

"No it's fine. You were curious so you wanted to know." I said with a smile. 

We were called to the newspaper club, and tamaki kept apologizing. Apparently, he kicked a ball super hard, and it broke through the presidents window, and hit him in the head. 

"Don't worry, it's no big deal! could have happened to anyone right? Just a ball flying through the window and hitting me upside the head."

"But please accept our apology."

"Well, this works out perfectly! I was just thinking of approaching the host club for a cover story! I don't suppose you'd be interested?"

"I didn't know he had a newspaper club."

"Me nether."

"It's more gossip brag than newspaper."

"Yeah like a trashy tabloid. It's filled with stories about scandalous love affairs, family struggles, and junk like that."

"It's just a lame gossip brag the specializes in stirring up sandal."

"And everybody knows it's all lies so nobody reads it anymore." 

"You know I guess we have strayed away from the truth because we've been so worried about drawing in new readers. It's a shame we're just now realizing our error, now that the paper is at risk." Tamaki gasped slightly. "We finally realized what we should have been reporting to the student's of ouran. Help us please." They all said bowing. "For our last paper of the semester, we'd like to do an up close, special addition, revealing the charms of the ourans host club members. I'm begging you without your help our club will close." 

"Heh. You can count on us. On behalf of the host club I ac-huuuh" He made a sound like a dying old man ask kyoya pushed him aside. 

"We have to decline."

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