they find out...

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At the end of the club, I was actually pretty tired. I was asked to stay after club so everyone could talk and such. "So, what do you think of this club y/n?" Tamaki asked me, while I was digging through my bag to find my hoodie. It has my phone and headphones in the pocket, and I always bring my hoodie. Its my favorite band f/b, and its comfy. I look up to answer him.

"This place is nice. It's entertaining, and I get to play piano. Honestly, it could be awful, but this is nice."

"Great! but what's the secret you have?"

"I'd rather not say unless I have to Tamaki." I said with a slight smile, and rubbing the back of my neck. I got up to leave. "anyways bye guys."

"Hold up. One thing." One of the twins said. I faced him and he had a cup of water. I raise an eyebrow in confusion, and he throws it on my shirt with a cheeky smile on his face. 

"WHAT THE- WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" I yell. I want to kill him right about now. 

"Kyoya senpai said if we wanted to find out your secret, to do that."

"Y/n-chan, why do you have bandages around your chest?" I looked down, seeing that, like I feared, my shirt had become see-through.

"Uhh..." I say trying to come up with an excuse. 

"Change your shirt, take off the bandages, since their wet, and come back to us. You have explaining to do."

"Fine." I grab my bag, and the twins lead me to a dressing room. Tamaki gives me a towel, and I take off my soaked shirt, and bandages, unbinding my chest. I dry off and am about to put on my hoodie, when I hear honey senpai.

"Hey y/n-chan, we have some dry shirts, do you want-" He stops when he sees me, and I drop my hoodie and cover my bare chest with my hands. His face is red from embarrassment, realizing what he walked in on, and what he saw.

"Umm.. I'm good, thanks anyways honey senpai. Could you get out now?"

"I'm so sorry y/n-chan! Yeah I'll get out. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to see that!" He apologies covering his eyes and turning his back to me out of respect of my privacy. He left, and I picked my hoodie back up, and slipped it on. Slipping the wet bandages in my pocket, I went out, and sat on the couch. Honey-senpai looked like his brain stopped working. Mori-senpai snapped him out of it, and he looked embarrassed, but mostly back to normal. 

"You should tell them y/n."

"R-Right. well, I'm..." I trail off, not knowing how to continue.

"Your what?"

"I'm..." I take a deep breath and collect myself. The worst thing they can do is bully you. "I'm a female to male transgender... t-that's why I had bandages around my chest."

"Wait your trans?" Tamaki asked.

"Y-yeah..." He gave me a hug, and lifted me and set me on his lap. I was confused, and he was still hugging me. 

"I'm adopting you. you are now my son. I shall protect you child." I didn't know how to react, so I just let it happen.

"Wait though, isn't it bad to use bandages?"

"yeah, dont they make things for those people?" The twins ask.

"Well, their not that cheap for a 'commoner'. That, and I'm not out to my family, cuz everyone in my family hates lgbt. whenever a pride parade comes around, my parents are always jeering against them. I dont do with them, but I slip into the parade. They never notice me luckily. But thing is, I'm scared to come out to them. Not to mention I can only get a binder online, and my parents monitor everything we get online. I'd have no way to get one without them knowing."

The twins look at each other, and nod. They turn back to me. "We can make you one." I look up at them, and blink a few times.

"Wait what?"

"You heard us. We'll make you one. Our mom owns a clothing company, so it should be easy." I start to tear up slightly. I get up, and hug them. "We're gonna need some measurements. Bring a tank top tomorrow. We're gonna need you to unbind to take them though."

"Okay. I'm okay with that."

"I'm supervising!" Tamaki yells. 

"Alright, but you do realize we're taking measurements for a dude... right?"

"Still. No funny business you two." I'm practically crying from happiness right now. This could have gone so badly. But it went so well. 

"Y/n, why was Mitsukini's face red after he went to see if you needed a shirt?" I froze. Mori-senpai was looking at me with a 'what did you do?' look.

"Ask him to tell you guys. I'm not saying." I looked at the time. " I got to get home. Sorry guys."

"Yeah no problem y/n."

"Oh yeah, thanks for supporting me... It means a lot. I've actually had to cut ties with some people cuz they hated me for being how I am. It means a lot to me that you guys are supportive. Anyways I got to get home. See you guys tomorrow!" I waved bye to them, and went outside. It was a little warm for a hoodie, but I didn't mind. I wasn't sure if my bandages would be salvageable, so I stopped by Walgreens to pick up some more. I would know tomorrow if I could still use them. I got home and my mom was too busy working to really say more than a hello to me. I went up to my room and grabbed my books, phone and headphone, putting them on, and turning on my music. I noticed a piece of paper on the ground. I picked it up, and noticed some writing.

919******* send me a text when you see this!

Ooookay then. I enter the number into my phone and send a text to the unknown number.

(you, normal text. honey itallics)

hey, whos this? i found your number in my bag.


well that answers my question...

again im so sorry for walking in on you!

its fine, i know it was an accident.

anyways what are you up to?

listening to music and doing homework. wbu?

yeah same, but im eating cake!

i should have known you were eating cake.


I have to go. my homework isnt gonna be done if im texting you.

yeah same. bye y/n-chan!

bye honey-senpai.

With that I stopped texting him, and went back to enjoying my music, and working on my homework. It took me about an hour to do total. After that, I got ready for bed, and threw a tank top and sports bra into my school bag. 

Tomorrow was going to be... interesting.

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