about myself

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y/n is going to be your chosen name. y/d/n is your dead name. I just thought I should say that.

Hi, I'm y/n l/n, and I'm a closeted trans guy. you see, I was born in the body of a girl, when I'm really a boy. I can't come out however, since my parents hate the lgbt community. They never questioned what I wore, or how short I kept my hair. I told them long hair is just a hassle, and they just shrugged it off. They let me keep my hair short, in a boys cut. I don't have a binder, and I can't do anything about it, except bind with bandages. I know it's bad but I don't know what else I can do. My parents don't really care about how flat my chest is. They think it's fine, after all, I have a monthly period.

Im exactly five feet tall. My bangs are dyed f/c and I wear glasses. My eyes are e/c, and my hair is a nice h/c. They suit me, and I have nothing wrong with my face. it's my body that is wrong. I am trapped in a body that doesn't belong to me. My skin is a prison. I feel stuck, and scared. I'm scared to come out. I came out to a friend after volleyball season for 3rd years was done. (I played on a girls team in middle school.) She started harassing me, and calling me names. Accusing me of things that I never did, and overall bullying me. I had to cut contact with her because of it. But I didn't know that she spread word of it all around the school. Soon I was bullied and harassed at every corner I turned.

I got a scholarship for ouran academy, and decided to go. It was a school I knew nobody from my old school was at. a fresh start. I went to meet with the principal alone, since my parents trusted me to enroll by myself.

"M-Mr. Suoh?"

"Ah! y/n! you wanted to meet with me in private to discuss some things, correct?"

"Y-yes sir."

"Well, what was it you wanted to discuss?" I took a deep breath, and went for it. I was going to have to explain eventually. might as well do it now.

"W-well, you see, I'm a trans guy, and I want to know if it would be okay if when physical exams come up, I can get a separate room?" It took him a minute to process this.

"Okay yeah, we can arrange that! It's no issue, thank you for telling me. If you don't mind, I'd like to ask a few questions."


"Are you out to your family?"

"No!" I yelled. I covered my mouth. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell. It's just, my parents are transphobic, and I don't know what would happen if they found out."

"It's okay. What was your dead name? it would be good to know in case someone comes to pick you up so we know who they mean."

"My dead name is y/d/n."

"If someone picks you up, should we use your last name to call you to the office?"

"Yes sir."

"Would you prefer to wear normal clothes? Or would you like to wear the male uniform?"

"I-I'd like to wear my own clothes please. My parents wouldn't be happy if they saw me wearing the male uniform, since they think I'm a girl."

"Alright! That's all the questions I have for you mr. l/n we're going to excuse you from gym classes. Unless you're okay with people knowing?"

"I don't want people to know if I can help it. But I would still like to be in gym classes. I'll change in the bathrooms, or in a stall in the locker rooms."

"okay, I understand. Thank you for letting me know. I'll have reception add in the notes in your student profile."

"Thank you sir. but now I have a question."


"Does this school have a volleyball team?"

"No, we don't have that here."

"Okay then. Have a nice day!" I said as I started to take my leave.

"Thank you. Enjoy yours as well mr. l/n!"

"I will." I say with a close eyes smile. I leave the school, and get home. "Hey mom, I'm back!"

"Hey y/d/n! How was enrolment?" I hid my pain. Being misgendered, and called by the wrong name, but all things considered, I'd rather live like that for a few years, and move far away and cut contact with my family, rather than come out, and risk abuse. It would be better that way. safer that way. I could deal with it.

"It went great mom!"

"That's good! Hey, I'm really busy with work, and so is your dad. Would you mind making dinner tonight?"

"Yeah no problem!'' I get all the stuff together, and make spaghetti with meatballs, and a garlic basil sauce, with some garlic bread. I finished cooking, ate my share, and went to the bathroom connected in my room, and undressed to take a shower. I unwrapped my bandages, and noticed how dirty they were. 'looks like I'll have to buy new bandages.' I let my old bandages fall to the floor and I sighed in relief. They were tight, and felt uncomfortable. I looked in the mirror. my chest had bruises on it, and it looked bad. I sighed. oh well. I can't buy a binder, since they're so expensive, and my parents track EVERYTHING I buy online. There would be absolutely no way I could buy one without my parents knowing. I took a quick shower and put on a pair of jeans and an oversized hoodie. I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my skateboard, with 20$.

"Hey I'm going out for a little, I'll be back in a few."

"Okay y/d/n! Be back in an hour!"

"alright mom!'' I said as I stepped through the door. I placed down my skateboard, and skated to the nearest Walgreens and picked up my skateboard, heading inside. I went to the section for bandages, and things like that, and grabbed some bandages that were about 2 inches wide. I bought the bandages and skated home. Overall I was probably gone for only 20 to 30 minutes. I got home, hiding the bandages in my hoodie pocket. I went to my room and put my new bandages on the sink counter and threw away my old dirty ones.

I was scared about going to the new school, but I feel better knowing that I will be safe. I owe a lot of gratitude to Mr. Suoh.

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