lobelia academy

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Fun fact nobody asked for. Author chan was a chorus kid back in middle school. Chorus is very crazy and like a big chaotic family. I loved it, but I stopped when I got to high school. Who knows though, I might take it again in a few years. 

Haruhi and I were talking with some guests while we were packing up from the class, and one mentioned that all afternoon classes were cancelled. "You mean nobody told you?"

"It's gonna be crazy around here for the next two days!"

"Ouran is hosting a exhibition for the cultural clubs. Drama and chorus clubs from a bunch of other schools have been invited. It's a big event the school hosts annually."

"Sounds... Interesting." I said not knowing what else to say to that.

"It usually is. And the chorus kids are a lot of fun, to hang around. If anything though, a little crazy, so I'd recommend not getting to close."

"Fair." I said shrugging. I could hear in the background the twins going in about instant coffee to renge. Then hands on me and haruhi's shoulders, and next thing you know, we're out buying more instant coffee. "They need to learn where to go to buy this stuff."

"Agreed. I hate rich people."

"They can be annoying sometimes." I sighed. Two girls came out.

"Thanks for helping them out you two."

"No problem. I just wish they'd buy their own instant coffee."

"Honestly, I was thinking about buying some sweets anyways, so this isn't the worst thing ever."

"Well, I doubt they'll ever get their own coffee, but I'm glad they seem to be having a good time! And it's all thanks to you two."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked raising an eyebrow. 

"We've been in the same class as the twins ever since middle school. They weren't all this cheerful and friendly! They were always quiet and withdrawn, Kind of like y/n when he started playing for the club."

"Oh, was I really?"

"Yeah, you sort of were." I rubbed the back of my neck. 

"Sorry about that."

"It's fine. If anything it was cute."

"The twins didn't have a lot of friends back in middle school. It was like they didn't want anyone to get too close."

"I don't think they liked school very much. They seemed so bored by it."

"When you get down to it though, can you really blame them?" 

"No not really."

"I think things started to change when the host club was created. Since then, they've come out of their shells little by little."


"But they've really opened up since you two joined the host club. Now they joke and talk with everyone in class. That's why we wanted to make sure you knew how grateful we are to you two. Because of the two of you, the twins are having fun and living each day to the fullest!" 

We were walking back, arms full of instant coffee, (plus a box of f/f pockey for me) when haruhi slipped. I tried to grab her, but it's not easy with arms full of bags. Before I could drop the bags, a girl came out of nowhere, and scooped her up like it was nothing. Then she gently set her down. "It'd be a shame if anything were to happen to that pretty face of yours young lady." She flipped her bangs and smiled. She picked the both of us up and carried us to music room three. The way she picked me up was like a sack of potatoes, and my legs slowly started to feel funny, as of they were going numb. 

"What do ladies like you want to hear?" The unmistakable voice of tamaki asked. 

"How about something like, I'd never leave my lover alone." She accidentally dropped me in her act, but didn't seem to notice. "If we fight, it will be together. If we fail, we fail together. Even if I were to die, I would never leave your side my love." My legs were gaining their feeling again, so I stood up, brushed myself off.

"Benibata! We thought you'd never show."

"What are we going to do with you? Now tell us where you met these lovely young ladies." I cringed. 

"I just met them outside of the school. They may be dressed as boys, but I knew the truth. They have such pretty maidenly eyes." She said dipping me.  I was uncomfortable.

"Umm... Thanks, I guess. But Ma'am I'm not a girl. I'm a boy."

"Nonsense. Have these boys brainwashed you?"

"No, I identify as a boy."

"Don't deny your femininity young one. You'll find it soon."

"Wow, her skin is so soft!" One said rubbing my arm.

"I know right! I think this one's going to be a diamond in the rough! She does need to shave off this nasty leg hair though." 

"I am very uncomfortable, please stop, this is harassment."

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY SON!" Tamaki said charging, but got punched in the face. 


"NO! YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE! Y/N-CHAN IDENTIFIES AS A BOY, SO THAT'S WHAT HE IS!" honey yelled and I blushed. I squirmed to get away from them, but she held onto me tighter.

"She punched meee, she's so violent!"

"Get a hold of yourself!" Honey yelled concerned. 

"Guess the rumors we heard were true." She said, finally letting go of me. I tried to run to honey's arms, but I was pushed back by them. "You guys are just a bunch of weak little punks, with no sense between you." I kept squirming, and started to get slightly loose, until she was holding me by my neck. 

"I swear to any god you believe in, if you dont let me go on a count of three, I WILL bite you!" I yelled still trying to get free. 

"As if. You wouldn't be able to little lady."

"One..." She smirked at me, but didn't let me go. "Two..." I looked at kyoya who nodded at me and gave me a blind eye, as is he was saying 'self defense. not too hard now.' "THREE!" I yelled, and bit down on her arm. It wasn't enough to break the skin, but more than enough for her to drop me. I looked up after coughing a bit, to see her examining her arm. I probably left teeth marks. But she didn't seem upset. She seemed... Happy?

"Ooh~ A feisty one. You're defiantly a fighter young lady." I could feel myself get stressed out now. I don't handle stress well. I break down when it gets too much. 

"FOR THE LAST TIME! I don't know who you are, and I dont know what you want from me, BUT PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, STOP CALLING ME 'LITTLE LADY'! I'M A BOY!" I said, tears welling up in my eyes. I scolded myself internally. No, their not going to see me cry. I'm not weak, and they wont get the satisfaction of seeing me cry. Not now, not ever. But one tear slipped down the side of my face. 

"Aww, you're crying! Come hear young lady, we'll get you away from these horrid boys, forcing your febrile mind into thinking you're a man." One said, opening her arms. 

"NO! GET AWAY FROM ME! AND I'M NOT CRYING!" I said, and ran out of the room to the courtyard. I didn't fully look where I was going. I just needed to get away from those girls. Tears streamed down my face as I entered the maze.  

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