Beach incedent

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Okay I have no idea how many people know what to do in emergencies, things like CPR, or shit like that in japan, but I'm in the USA and in 8th grade, (Bout 13 years old give or take,)  they teach you what to do in emergencies. TW! Attempted murder, and then heaps of wholesomeness that may make you cry. I almost cried just writing this.

"The beach?"


"But why?"

"Why not?" I said not caring that much. "As long as I dont have to swim in that death trap of water called the ocean." I said and shuddered. 

"And don't you remember?"

"You said you'd like to go to a real beach!"

"Did I?"

"Yes, you did." They moved showing off a ton of manikins. "Here's the fun part you two!"

"We brought some swim suits for you guys to choose from!"

"Pretty cute, dont ya think?" They said showing off a ruffles bikini and a orange and black set of swim trunks with a matching vest and binder.

"Not that one!" Honey senpai said pointing to the Orange and black one. He then held up a manikin that had f/c trunks and a white vest and binder. "I think that this would look much cuter on y/n-chan!" and a blue and white swimsuit too. "And this would look a lot cuter on haru-chan!"

"Y-you really think so?" I said cursing myself in my mind for stuttering. 

"Yeah!" He said with his signature smile.

"I don't think you get it honey senpai."

"Admittedly, yes, y/n would look better in that one, but just look, this swimsuit barely hides the fact that harhui's as flat as a cutting board, unlike y/n who's estrogen hit him like a truck."

"Jeez no need to remind me." I said feeling kind of depressed now. "Also trust me, if I could, I'd gladly trade chests with haruhi. I wouldn't need to bind then."

"Sorry. Anyways, a one piece like that would make her upset because it draws attention to her lacking feminine physique.

"Thats why, we carefully selected this two piece suit see? The ruffles help hide the fact that she's so flat chested!"

"YOU LITTLE PUNKS BETTER STOP SEXUALLY HARRASING MY CHILDREN! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!" I ran to my bag and pulled out the sunglasses I had kept in there all year. Now's the most perfect time. I took off my glasses and put them on moving closer as the twins said, 

"So we're not going to the beach?"

"Chill out, its a relaxation." I said trying my best not to laugh. The twins chuckled. 

"Did you just-"

"Quote a vine? Yes, yes I did, and I've had these in my bag all year waiting for the perfect moment to do that." I said laughing with them.

"What am I gonna do with you three?" Tamaki said chuckling. 

"Admit it, you love us and our crazy shenanigan's." I said putting my glasses back on, and placing my sunglasses back in my bag. I could have sworn I heard honey say something under his breath, but brushed it off.

"And, who said we're not going to the beach?" 

"So you do wanna go!"

"Can usa-chan come too?"

"I have no problem with that."

"We're really gonna go?"

"Why not? Lets go to the beach!" 

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