Some girl

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I put my bandages in my bag to throw them away later, and head to my first class. I feel more confident, but I dont show it. I feel more comfortable, both physically and mentally. My dysphoria is a lot better with a proper binder, and its actually fairly comfortable, unlike those itchy bandages. Also its not as tight, so my bruises can actually heal, and I can breathe better too. I almost can't stop smiling.

I sat at my desk in ecstasy, thinking about the binder instead of worrying about the bandages. I was drawing out some landscapes and I didn't notice someone walking to my desk until I felt a tap on my nose. I was snapped out of my thoughts and I looked around disoriented, hearing a giggle come from in front of me. I looked up and saw a brunette girl standing in front of me. Its hard to tell since I'm sitting, but she seemed about 5'5. She had hair that reached the middle of her chest, and some of her hair in a braided crown around her head. Her ice blue eyes stared into mine, a soft smile on her face. I was starting to get uncomfortable. 

"Umm, can I help you miss... uh..."

"Sugiyama. Sugiyama Rika, but please, call me Rika."

"Oh, okay then, can I help you Rika?"

"No, I just wanted to say I love it when you play piano, and I wanted to put in a request."

"Oh, well I charge for requests, unless this is your first time I-"

"I haven't made any requests yet."

"Oh, alright then, what song would you like me to play?"

"love like you, if you dont mind?" She looked away quickly and then made eye contact again.

"Oh yeah, sure! If you'd like you scan sing along with the song." She leaned down pressing her boobs together and elbows on my desk. 

"Could you sing with me?" She asked with puppy dog eyes. 

"Oh I-I can't sing." I lie. I can, but I sound way too feminine. 

"Can't or won't?"



"I'm sorry, it really wouldn't end well." She pouts slightly, but seems to give up, seeing as I'm not budging. 

"Well, can I get to know you better?"

"Sure. How about lunch?"

"Are you inviting me on a date?" She asks with a smile and a pink blush on her cheeks. 

"No, I'm inviting you to hang out. What are you talking about?"

"N-never mind. I'll see you at lunch y/n!" She said as she left. I think its a little weird, but I think nothing of it.

I meet up with Rika outside the cafeteria and head in with my boxed lunch. "What you got there?"

"Oh, just a turkey sandwich."

"Okay! I'm gonna go grab my lunch. Can you stay here for a minute?"

"Yeah sure." She leaves. 

"Y/n-chan!" I hear a cheery voice say. I turn around and see honey senpai, my face feeling a little warm.

"Oh, hey!" I say with a smile.

"Are you waiting on someone?" 

"Yeah actually I am. Some girl came up to me, and wanted to get to know me, but if I'm being honest she makes me a little uncomfortable."

"How so?"

"She was leaning on my desk, pressing her boobs together, making puppy dog eyes at me. She requested a love song and really wanted me to sing it with her, pushing me to do it. She gave up, but still."

"Maybe she likes you!"

"In what way?"

"Like like." He says. 

"Oh god, I hope not."

"Why is that?" I look away for a second. 

"It's a secret, but I'm going to trust you with it."


"I... I'm gay." Honey's quiet for a minute, but he smiles.

"Thank you for telling me. I won't tell anyone until your comfortable to tell others." I let out a breath I wasn't even aware I was holding. 

"Thanks honey-senpai."

"Y/N!" I hear someone yell, and I turn around to see Rika waving me over.

"I'll see you later!" I say heading towards her. We sit down and start eating at a table, and her face is still pink. She's making some weird remarks, and is touching my arm a lot. Eventually I've had enough. "Okay what are you doing?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Your acting really weird, and your making me uncomfortable."

"I have no idea what you mean." She said, playing dumb.

"Don't play dumb, you know what your trying to do. Your squeezing your chest together, and leaning on my pushing them into me, and I don't like it. Not to mention you keep touching me. also you keep leaning in like your gonna kiss me. I don't like it."

"But why? I love you y/n! I wanna go out with you, and I was hoping you'd get the hint, but apparently your oblivious to what I'm doing."

"For god's sake, I wasn't oblivious! I knew exactly what you were doing the entire time!"

"Then why didn't you ask me out?"

"Because! I'm gay! I don't like you like that, or girls in general in that way!" 

"You haven't met the right girl yet! Please just give me-"

"No! Whatever your going to say, just stop. I'm not going out with you. I never will. So please! Just leave me alone Rika! Your making me uncomfortable!" I say. She's quiet. I pack up my things, and leave heading to my next class, throwing away my food. I'm not hungry anymore.

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