grade school building

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"I swear younger boys are good for nothing." Renge said and I got slightly annoyed, but didn't let it show. "I went through all that trouble to coach him. And he quits." She says it like its nothing, but somethings up. 

"I can't believe he ditched us because he didn't like the lesson, what a selfish little brat!"

"There aren't many people who'd enjoy that kind of lesson. But never mind that, were you listening to what he said?"


"I'm gonna run outta time. Please won't you teach me." I said quoting him. "Like, what? He sick or something?" I say. 

"Maybe, but it could also be something else." She looks at me. "Also weren't you knocked out when he said that?"

"It was the first thing I heard waking up." Haruhi thinks for a second.

"Well, I think, its a girl."

"Yeah that makes more sense." I say rubbing the back of my neck. 

"How did we let them talk us into this?" Haruhi asked.

"Tamaki wouldn't stop pestering us until we gave in."

"Oh yeah, right."

"Well it was easy to sneak in! And wearing this uniform, y/n and I really look like we're in elementary school." Honey-senpai and I were both in elementary school uniforms, while haruhi was in the middle school girls uniform, and a wig to make her hair seem long. I also had a wig, but it was mostly to cover my f/c bangs. Elementary students with dyed hair, sticks out a lot.

"Yeah you two do. I can understand why they wanted you two to wear elementary school uniforms, I mean we are sneaking into an elementary school, and you two totally fit in, but what I dont understand is why they made me dress up in this middle school uniform."

~Flashback to 1 hour ago~

I'm spaced out when I hear "Alright men its time to initiate our mission."

"What do you mean?"

"What mission." I snap back to reality and look around. 

"Wait, what? What's going on?"

"I've assessed the situation. We'll infuriate the elementary school... You three are going in."

"But where are we going?"

"Wait what? I'm lost, what's happening?"

~flashback over~

"Why did we even bother with disguises, we stick out like a sore thumb." Haruhi said loud enough so only we could hear it.

"Well, lets just mingle a little. Act shy and walk near the wall. They'll either talk to us, or leave us alone." I say in return. "Or we can act normally and hope they brush it off." Honey went with that, and I followed his lead. He grabbed haruhi's arm, and I grabbed her other arm, running with honey-senpai. 

"This way haru-chan! Keep up y/n-chan!" I smiled and giggles, acting like a bubbly child. We make it to a door which honey senpai opens. "Here's shiro-chans classroom! When I was in elementary school, this was my classroom too!" He said running around like a small child. I blushed slightly at how cute it was, but I don't think anyone noticed. Haruhi walked in and placed her hand on a desk.

"There's nobody here."

"So the kids classroom is empty is it?"

"Yeah. But seriously, how would we even explain two new students, coming into class late, and a middle school student with them if someone was even here?"

"Oh yeah... I didn't think of that." Tamaki said as I roll my eyes. 

"Of course you didn't! What we're we supposed to say, 'oh sorry we're in the wrong classroom, we're new here?' the teacher would most likely ask what room we we're supposed to be in, then someone would lead us there, just to find out, 'hey, we're not supposed to be here either since we're actually high school students, who have sneaked into this building.'" I say looking tamaki in the eyes with an unamused expression just to prove my point.

"I'm sorry my son! Forgive me!" I sigh. 

"Come here." I say with my arms out and he runs into a hug. "Just dont half bake your plans next time."

"What are you, a mom?" the twins ask.

"No that's kyoya. I just babysit my neighbors kids."

"Its against the rules to have a job y/n."

"Its more helping out someone, and them paying you out of gratitude. Plus, its the only way I get pocket money, since my parents dont believe in an allowance."

"Why did we bother with disguises? You guys are just barging in here loud as heck, while y/n scolds tamaki-senpai for having a half baked plan." 

"Oh relax, there's nobody here to catch us!" The twins said.

That's when we heard footsteps. 

We all hid until the footsteps passed, and kyoya noticed something interesting. It was a picture of shiro playing piano with a girl. He looked so happy and so sweet in the photo with the girl. And so we headed to the music room for elementary school students. We see him sitting in a window kind of half staring out of it, a book in his hands. A little girl comes up to him, but we cant hear what she's saying. The little girl sat down and started playing sonata for 2 pianos in d minor. Another little girl came out. 

"Pardon me mademoiselle. I've never seen a rose more lively than you my dear-OW!" I hit him on the head.

"She is a kid, you are not about to pull that on someone in elementary school tamaki!" I whisper angerly in his ear. I turn to the little girl.

"I'm sorry about him, he's kinds of a dummy." The girl starts giggling.

"That was really funny!" We both laugh a little.

"Hey, who's that girl on the piano? She's really good." I ask.

"That's hinakami shiro!"

"Her names hina? That's a really cute name!" I say smiling slightly.

"Yeah! But you better not fall in love with her."

"Why's that?" I ask cocking my head to the side.

"Didn't you know? Hina has to move away soon. Her dad just got a new job in Germany, so they have to move there at the end of the week." The door opens and shiro comes out.

"What are you guys doing here?! I want you idiots to leave immediately!" The little girl heads off to wherever she needs to go, leaving us alone. Tamaki throws shiro over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and he struggles while we man-handle him back to music room 3. 

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