a movie?

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I talked to the twins, and they say its gonna be about another week before the binder is done, and I'm glad about that. Bandages are annoying, and whenever I raise my hand, I have to worry about them slipping down. But I'd rather use them, and look like a guy, than people know I'm trans. I was public about it in middle school, and was bullied badly for it., so I made sure to choose a high school nobody from my previous school chose. A fresh start. Nobody would know. That was the plan at least.

But then I met the host club. 

I'm glad I met them. They accept me, and dont make fun of me. They respect me for who I am, and I enjoy spending time with them. 

tamaki was talking about how having a female manager would be a good idea. 

"so why do you say that?" The twins asked.

"Well, think about it. Renge just transferred into the same class as haruhi. If haruhi has a girlfriend around, it can bring out the female within her. Renges girlish bit of tenderness, might be able to stimulate haruhis own sense of femininity." I was glad he didn't say anything about me. " This is a chance for haruhi to get in touch with her feminine side. This is an important task men. She doesn't have any friends in class except for these two shady twins, and y/n. That's no good for her."

"Like you have room to talk."

"I dont follow... how is that a bad thing? Not every girl has 'girlfriends.' And those girls are perfectly fine." Renge came into the room, and she had cookies which she clamed were for everyone, but then got really mad when someone other than kyoya took one. She actually chases honey senpai around the room for eating one. I payed no mind, and pulled out my sketchbook to start drawing. I decided to draw usa-chan, since I saw her sitting in a chair not far from me. Tamaki was yelling about something as per usual, and I ignored it. Whatever he was going on about, wasn't involving me. I grabbed my Chapstick and put a little on, noticing how dry my lips were. One of my pet peeves is having dry lips. Its so annoying you know? 

"EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! EXEPT FOR KYOYA, ALL OF YOUR CHARICTERS ARE LUKEWARM!" Renge started to yell, snapping me out of my little zone I was in. "Each of you needs to have some sort of dark side, you understand? Girls are venerable to handsome young men who are troubled!" Speak for yourself, I like the type that give me a cuteness overload, and knows how to cheer me up when I'm sad. A dark side, usually while entertaining at times, can be more trouble than its worth. I like the fluff overload. 

Wait didn't I just describe honey senpais personality?

"If you guys keep carrying on like this, it only a matter of time until the girls get tired and  stop coming. Are you TRYING to ruin my precious kyoyas business?!" She started assigning roles to everyone. Somehow I got "Your a brave and handsome young boy, who protects the honor student from the bullies as best he can, but sometimes slips up!" I tense up slightly when she mentions bullies, but I dont think anyone noticed.

Next thing I know were filming something. It seems like a live action of uki-doki memorial. I just want to go home now. Its getting hard to breathe from both anxiety, and because I think I over binded slightly this morning. And not to mention the water is adding weight to the bandages, and I'm hoping they dont come loose or fall off right now. My character is up, to step in to protect haruhi in a few seconds. Slight problem though...

I cant move my feet.

I'm visibly shaking, fear is in my eyes, and I cant move at all. At least I'm still standing. I somehow manage to move my feet, and I'm in front of haruhi and between her and honey-senpai. But when I try to say my line, its a jumbled mess. I'm talking at about 100 mph, which is a bad habit of mine when I either dont pay attention to my speech, or feeling nervous. In this case its both. 

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