Telling parents

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Okay, it's Monday, and my parents and I are eating dinner. Now's the perfect time to talk to them right? Well, about honey, not the whole transgender thing. I'm NOT ready for that can of worms to be opened up. "Hey, I have something I need to tell you guys."

"What is it y/d/n?" My mom asked, and my dad took a sip of his drink. 

"I have a boyfriend." My mom seemed unphased, but my dad almost choked. After he was done he looked at me. 

"You have a WHAT?"

"A boyfriend. Dad I'm 16, I'm not a child anymore."

"But your still my baby girl! If he breaks you heart-" I cut him off. I really want him to stop calling me his baby girl. I'm not even a girl! I swear to god, I'm THIS close to snapping and saying something I regret.

"Dad, no he's nice."

"Are you sure hun? Some boys think that girls are-"

"STOP! Just stop."

"Baby, is there something wrong?" My mom asked concerned. 

"Yeah, you know what, I'm done. I've gone my whole life being referred to as something that isn't me! I've known it forever! I'm done!" Welp, I've come this far, might as well roll with it. 

"What do you mean?"

"I'm a boy!" My parent's looked at each other and laughed. "I'm serious!" They stopped and looked at me.

"Honey, you are not a boy. You are a girl. You were born a girl, and will forever be a girl. I don't know where this nonsense is coming from, especially with the way we raised you, but get this out of your head."

"No! I don't get where you get your  bullshit from! I get it, you're religious! You believe that god makes everyone perfect! But guess what! He's sick and twisted and the angels are pranksters! They made me a girl while he wasn't looking and shipped me out! He makes people gay! He makes them bi! Pansexual, lesbian and guess what else! He makes them transgender! Like me! Okay! I... I'm trans." I was tearing up at this point, and ran to my room before they could yell at me. I locked the door and moved my desk in front of it, before pulling out my phone and calling honey. He picked up after two rings, and by now I was crying. 

"Y/n-chan! what's- wait are you crying?"

"I... yeah." 

"What's wrong?" I told him everything, still crying on the phone. I heard rustling. He asked me to stay put for now, and move the desk, and unlock the door. He didn't say why, he just told me. I did what he asked, and saw a car park outside my window. It was dark, but I saw a figure walk to my house and then voices downstairs. After a few more minutes, there was a knock on my door. 

"Dad go away."

"Your dad's downstairs y/n-chan!" I sat up. 


"Yep! Can I come in?" I opened the door an hugged him, still crying. "You okay?"

"No, but I'm doing better now." I said as I pulled away. "I'm gonna grab some water. You can go ahead and go into my room, I'll be back in a minute." He nodded and I headed downstairs. I overheard my parents talking.

"Well, if they really want to identify as a boy, I guess we should let him."

"I guess. It does make a lot of sense, and a lot of things seem a lot clearer now."

"Like, the lack of a chest." I heard my mom typing on her phone. "Y/D/N, OR WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS NOW, COME HERE!"

"Mom I'm right here. What is it?"

"What are you using on your chest?" 

"Well up until I met my friends at the host club I was using bandages, but the twins in the host club made me a few binders. Why?" She sighed. 

"I just wanted to make sure you weren't damaging your chest. But if your wearing it now, please take it off."

"Alright." I said, and drank my water, and went to the bathroom to take off my binder. When I got to my room honey was sitting on my bed kind of just looking around. "Hey." I said, going to my dresser and putting the binder in there, I walked to my closet, and put on a baggie hoodie. 

"You doing okay now?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for coming all this way. It means a lot to me."

"No prob! Come here, lets turn on a movie!" I smiled. 

"Sounds good to me." I said grabbing my laptop and setting it on my bed. I went to hulu and put on star trek 2009.

"What's this?"

"Star trek." He looked at me funny. "I may or may not have grown up of si-fi movies like star wars and star trek." He chuckled. 

"So you admit you're a little nerdy."

"And what if I am?" I said pouting. He kissed my cheek.

"I don't mind it one bit." 

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