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Ok writing this chapter hurts me slightly, and I apologize for everything. This chapter contains homophobia, transphobia and bullying. 

I woke up the next day with my period, and I sigh in annoyance. Looks like the next few days are going to be hell. I take some Midol from those pop out  tablet things, you know the ones I'm talking about right? The ones that you get when you have pills in boxes. Anyways I take one from that, and slip the box into my bag for later, and a few tampons. Hopping in the shower I groan, wishing that I didn't have a uterus. Its the same drill every month. Midol, tampons, shower, and if needed, wash bedsheets, and bloody clothes, and of course, me hating my body even more than normal. 

When I get out I put on my binder and a thin blue tee shirt that said "Calories? I think you mean delicious points" and a black and white flannel, that I leave open, along with some black jeans. I slip on my socks and vans, grabbing my headphones and cellphone, shoving them in my bag and heading down for a quick breakfast. "Morning y/d/n." My mom says and I groan. "Period?" I groan again in response. "Did you take your Midol?" I nod. "Good. Eat up, you dont want to be late." 

I head to school, dropping my skateboard off at the clubroom to see the twins hanging out there with haruhi. I yawn, still fatigued from my period. "Morning guys." They turn around. 

"Morning y/n!" Haruhi said while the twins stared at my shirt.

"What's with that shirt?"

"Nothing. Why, is there something wrong with it?"

"Its weird."

"I like it." The twins look at each other and shrug. I yawn and rub my eyes slightly.

"What's with you today?"

"It's nothing, I'm just kind of sleepy. I'm gonna grab some coffee real quick."

"Rough night?"

"Lets go with that." I say, not wanting to say the real reason I'm so tired. I grab my coffee and start drinking it. The twins and haruhi go back to talking about whatever it was they were going on about. It doesn't take me too long to finish my coffee, and we all head to class. I notice a few people staring at me, but I brush it off. Its probably nothing. But when I arrive at my classroom, what I see wakes me up way more than the coffee I just had. 

On my desk is a bunch of homophobic slurs', and insults. A single lily rests on my desk in a vase, and I feel tears well up in my eyes. I stare the state of my desk, and try not to cry. Who would do something so hurtful to me? I haven't done anything to hurt anyone, so why is someone harassing's me?

(If anyone is curious, lilies mean death in the language of flowers. A lily in a vase in Japanese culture is usually placed on the desk of a deceased student in respect. But when placed on the desk of somebody still alive, its someone saying, 'I wish you were dead' thus, is bullying the person.)

I try to hold back the tears as I stare at my desk in shock. However I fail as a couple slip down my cheeks and fall onto my desk. "Y/n, are you okay?" I hear who I'm pretty sure is hikaru ask. I look to my left to see him crouched down slightly to look at my face and I quickly wipe my tears.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I lie.

"You don't seem fine. Why are you even-" He stops and sees the flower and words on my desk. he understands and places a hand on my shoulder. Hikaru takes a picture and I snap out of it, picking up the lily and vase, throwing both in the trash, I go find some wet wipes, and clean the slurs off my desk and sitting down. I look up to see Rika looking at me with a smug look, and I take out my phone, taking a picture of her smug face, and I play a quiet game on my phone until the teacher arrives. 

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