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I got to a white gazebo and broke down. I hated those girls. I hated them a lot. I sat on the bench and placed my head in my knees, not able to stop my tears. They reminded me single handedly of all my insecurities. Every one of them. From how feminine my face is to remembering my birth body, it made me break down. I was there for what felt like hours just sobbing, but in reality, it was probably only a few minutes. I heard footsteps, but couldn't stop my tears by the time they came. 

It was honey. "Y/n-chan! There you are! I was so worried!" He said, running over to me, and wrapping me in a hug. I hugged back, and continued to cry, trying to stop. "Hey it's okay. It's all gonna be alright. I brought some water and tissues, and plenty of cuddles. How does that sound?"

"T-that sounds nice." I choked out through my tears. He handed me a bottle of water, which I took a few sips from, as he rubbed my back, and wiped my tears with some tissues. It took a few minutes, but I calmed down and he pulled me in for a hug. "... I'm sorry..." I said, wrapping my arms around him.

"You've got nothing to be sorry for! We all break down sometimes. It happens." He said with a smile. He kissed the tip of my nose, and then my lips. "So don't be sorry for it." He said, pulling me closer. We sat there cuddling for a while before we heard footsteps. 

"Y/n? Honey senpai?" It was the twins. They turned the corner and looked at us, smirking. "Oh~ Honey-senpai's making a move on y/n now are you?"

"Guys, please stop." I said tiredly. That's the thing about crying. You get tired after. 

"Am I not allowed to cuddle my boyfriend?"

"Hah?" They said, with wide expressions. Kind of like... 😃

"We've been together since the beach trip. Before you ask, and I know you will, no nothing happened, we just cuddled with a few light kisses." I said rolling my eyes and yawning. They seemed a little disappointed, but whatever. They took a good look at my face. 

"So you were crying." 

"But why'd you deny it?"

"It doesn't make a lot of sense."

"... I just don't like people seeing me cry is all. I didn't want to admit it, since I didn't want people to worry."

"You don't need to do that though." Honey said. "I worry about you. I was scared when you ran. Please, don't do that."

"Okay." I said, and he kissed my forehead. "What was with those girls though?"

"Those girls were from the lobelia girls academy. The 'zuka' club. The names so stupid." They said laughing, to which I joined. The name was ridiculous! "Anyways, they think women are superior to men in every way." They said after calming down. "Basically they're a band of lesbians." 

"Yeah, I got that vibe."

"And tama-chan said that there's nothing to be gained gain a romantic relationship between two women."

"Damn. That's harsh. Love is love, so who cares though?" I said, and placed a kiss on honeys cheek.

"Yeah that was slightly homophobic of him, but we're pretty sure he didn't mean it. In fact, we think he was just trying to get them away from haruhi."

"I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. I'm 90% sure he has a crush on her, and just doesn't know it." 

"Oh yeah same."


"But he did mention Adam and eve..."

"God..." (This is why author chan claims to be agnostic. Because he's met way to many people who think he's homophobic or transphobic because he's a Christian. That and religious talk makes him uncomfortable.) "He made them to procreate! Then once he had a good population of people, he started making people gay, trans, asexual, aromatic, pansexual, etc." I sigh. "I swear if he mentions that sort of stuff, I'm just gonna yell that into his face."


"I think tama-chan needs to calm down with that stuff." We all nodded.  "But now the girls are trying to get you and haru-chan to transfer to lobelia. They want you to join the zuka club!"

"Over my dead body." I say rolling my eyes. "Honey, there is no way in hell I'm joining that club, or going to that school. They keep trying to make me find my feminine side, which is non existent might I add. I'm a boy, even if I wasn't born one, and nothing will change that. And they sure as hell ain't dragging me to that school. And if they do, I'm sighing all the papers to get back here. And if they don't let me, I'd rather die than be stuck there."

"Please don't!" He said throwing his arms around my neck. "Please don't die y/n-chan!"

"I never said I'd die. I said I'd rather die. And I'm not going to that school. Not in a million lifetimes." I said, pulling him off my neck a little, and planting a kiss on his lips. 

"Hate to break up this love fest."

"Especially since we've been waiting forever for you two to finally get together."

"But we have something we need to do honey-senpai. Remember?"

"Oh yeah! ... I don't wanna do it, But if it'll help tama-chan convince haru-chan to stay, I'll help."

"What's the plan?"

"It's a secret."

"We're probably gonna look silly. Could you try not to laugh?"

"I can't make any promises about that, but I can promise you I have a box of pocky we can split after."

"I'd like that." He said smiling. With one last kiss on the forehead, we all left the maze. I went with them because, I was kind of lost. I met up with haruhi, and the boys went off to the host club.

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