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I woke up to my alarm blaring, and pressed the snooze button. I was warm and comfortable, and really didn't want to move, as I dozed off again. However I didn't sleep for very long when my dad came into my room and flicked the lights on and off multiple times. "Daaaad" I complained. 

"Wake up. It's a school day. Wake him up too. And I swear to god if something-"

"Dad, all we did was cuddle." He grumbled, and walked out, leaving the door open. Honey was still asleep and holding onto me firmly. I tried to get out, but he held me tighter. Good god he's strong. His grip feels like two iron rods. I was somehow able to turn around, and saw he was smiling. Either he knows what he's doing, or he's having a good dream. "Honey, come on we need to get to school." He didn't move or react. "Come on, it's time to wake up." I said, pouting a little. He pulled me closer to him. 

"Dont wanna." He mumbled sleepily. My face had the expression of, 'is this motherfucker serious right now?' But he's a motherfucker I love so I can give him a bit of a pass. But seriously though, we need to get up, and I cant do that if he wont get up. I sighed, and then got an idea. Normally, I would tickle someone awake, but since he's strong and I'm in his arms, that's probably a terrible idea. Normally I'm 110% down for those, but this one could be really bad. So I did the next best thing I could think of. 

"Mistukuni~ Come on it's time to wake up~" I said in his ear. He shot awake, and bolt upright. "Finally, I got you up. Come on, we don't wanna be late for school. I sat up and stretched, before I stood up, and checked the time. School starts at 8, it's 15 minutes by walking, 7 by skateboard, and 2-5 by driving depending on the traffic. And currently it's 7:05, so we should have plenty of time. He grabbed a bag, which I'm guessing contained clothes that he left in the corner, and said, he was gonna get dressed in the bathroom, and asked where to find it. Once I gave him directions, he walked out and closed the door, as I started getting dressed, and got everything ready for school. 

He came back and knocked on the door. "You can come in, I'm just getting my blazer buttoned." I said, and he came in. 

"You feeling better now?" I nodded, and gave him a kiss, and went to brush my teeth. We went down seeing that my mom had made some eggs, bacon and pancakes for breakfast. We thanked her and started eating, before getting our shoes on and walking to school. "Your parents seem to be taking all this really well."

"I hope they are, but knowing them, they'll probably accept it for a while before they resume what they were doing before."

"Well, you never know! Parents tend to surprise their kids sometimes."

"Yeah, you've got a point. Speaking of surprised, you seemed awfully surprised this morning when I said your name." I smirked a bit as his face went red. 

"I wasn't expecting it. And the fact you were right next to my ear didn't help that." I chuckled a little. 

"Sorry about that." I said, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. He pulled usa-chan put of his bag and tossed her in the air. I chuckled a bit. "You really do bring usa-chan everywhere don't you?"

"Of course! She was a gift from my grandma. She worked really hard to make her, all by hand."

"That's really sweet of her."

"I wish I could have spent more time with her though." 

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"She died a few years ago. Usa-chan is the last thing I have from her, and my dad isn't that happy with all the childish stuff I have from both her and just things I bought cause I liked them."

"He want's you to be someone you're not huh?"

"Yeah. He wants me to be all manly since I'm the next head of the house." He pouted a little and hugged usa-chan close to him.

"Well, why should he care? You're manly in your own way. Everyone's definition is different, so who cares? You're more than strong enough, and fully capable to do so. You know how to take charge in important situations too. You're all the man you need to be okay?" I looked at him with a smile, and he hugged me. I, of course hugged back, and we arrived at the school at 7:45, and parted ways when we got inside. I'd see him later at the host club. I don't want to wait for the day to end to spend time with him though.  

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