meeting the club

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It was a few weeks into the school year. My secret had not been found out. I'm a first year in a class with a couple of redheaded twins, and we actually chat quite a bit. Their names are hikaru and kaoru, but I have no idea which is which. I'm happy that everyone in my class sees me as a boy. Not as a trans boy, not someone who's confused about their gender, but as someone who's valid. I don't want to tell them. But I might have to one day. but until then, I'm keeping it as secret as possible.

Since this school doesn't have a volleyball team, I joined a local one, with teens in my neighborhood. They don't know I'm trans, and I enjoy playing with them. It takes my mind off of things, and I get to keep playing the sport I love. their old libero moved away, and so I'm the new one. They miss their old one, but they think I'm really good. I used to be a setter, and if the setter is sick when we meet up to play, I double as both a setter and a libero. I don't mind, and it's pretty fun. but sadly practice is only on Fridays at 3, since that's the only time we can all meet up, unless something comes up.

Today, I put my bandages on and put on some black skinny jeans, and a white tee shirt. It's not supposed to rain today, which is good, cuz this shirt is see through when wet. I put my vans on, and skated to school, as per usual. I just carry around my skateboard all day. the teachers don't say anything, and it's not like I ride it inside. It's not bothering anyone.

I was talking to hikaru and kaoru to see if they knew where I could find a quiet place where I could practice piano, and they had this sort of glint in their eyes. I don't know why though. But they told me about an abandoned music room. They said it was empty for about 30 minutes after school, if I could find it. I asked them if this was a challenge, and they said that it was. I accepted, and they gave me a hint. Only one though, and that was what floor it was on.

I found the room after school, but I don't know how long it took me. I know it was less than 30 minutes. At most 20 minutes to find it. I opened the door and was met with a blinding light, and rose petals, and the sound of several voices saying at once, "welcome~" when the light faded I was met with 6 boys, and a girl, 3 of which I recognized.

"Haruhi? Kaoru? Hikaru? What's going on?"

"Y/N! We'd thought you'd never show!"

"Okay, what is going on?"

"Welcome to the host club!" they said. My eyes widened.

"THIS IS A HOST CLUB?!" they nodded. "I'm out of here. I only came here anyway since you guys said this is somewhere I could play piano alone."

"You must be y/n l/n. another honor student.'' I turned around to see a guy with glasses, and black hair. He was holding a black book and pen, and my mind just went 'deathnote.' I had to bite my tongue to stop me from laughing at the joke I made.

"Why do you know my name? Also, who are you people? I know hikaru, kaoru and haruhi, but who are the rest of you guys?"

"I know your name, because it's in your student file. Yes, I have access to it." my eyes go wide. "Anyways i'm kyoya, the tall blonde is tamaki, the tallest is mori-senpai, and the shortest is honey-senpai."

"Well... um... hi?"

"It's nice to meet you! You're the other honor student we've heard so much about!" Tamaki said.

"Y-you've heard about m-me?"

"Yes! but to think that this one is so openly gay..."

"Eh, you're not wrong." I say as I shrug.

"So what's your type? Mischievous? Cool? Boy loilita? Strong and silent? The natural? Or maybe..." He said getting closer to me lifting my chin "You'd prefer someone like me? What do ya say y/n?"

"Can you please leave me be?" I said in a monotone voice.

"Mmm... fine." He said as he dropped my chin, and walked away.

"Anyways I was here because those two,'' I said pointing to the twins "Said that the place would be empty about now. I was looking for a place to play piano alone, but I see now they were either lying, everyone got here earlier than expected, or I got here too late. I'll be leaving now."

"Aww... I wanted to know if you wanted any cake y/n-chan!" I stopped.


"Yeah! We got a lot of flavors! strawberry, vanilla, chocolate-"

"Umm... c-can I have s-some?"

"Of course!" He said, pulling me along behind him. He pulled me over to a table, and we ate cake. I took one bite and made a face like saiki k when he eats sweets. (we all know the one. I just can't find a gif for it.) Me and honey ate our cakes, and I was about to leave when I was told by kyoya, "You do realize you need to pay us back for the cake. Right?" I turned around with a 'are you kidding me?' face.

"What do you want?"

"Join the club."


"I'm surprised you haven't noticed y/n. Girls are always staring at you!"

"And when you look at them, they get heart eyes and fangirl!"

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"He has no idea!" The twins say.

"If you dont join, I'm telling the whole school your secret." My eyes go wide for a split second.

"What secret?" I try to play it off as my heart rate increases out of fear. He comes closer to me and speaks loud enough for only me to hear.

"Things like the name and pronouns staff has to use around your family, your-"

"Okay okay! I'll join!"

"Great. Now you mentioned wanting to play the piano? Let's see how good you are." He said as Tamaki pulled the cover off of a grand piano. "Play a song. If you want you can sing along with the song."

"Alright.'' I like to sing, but the thing is, in my voice when I sing, my voice sounds very feminine. I choose a song that doesn't require vocals, and start playing.

(Umm, so this is awkward. I accidently deleted the song while I was editing this, and forgot what song it was.)

Tamaki picked me up and started spinning me around telling me how good that was, and such. I managed to yell out "HELP ME!" The next thing I know, mori-senpai is lifting me up. He looked like he realized something.

"Why are you so light?" He said as he sat me down. I shrugged, even though I already knew the reason. It's because my body was that of a girl. If I was born a boy, and had the same body type and height I would still weigh more.

"Anyways, thanks for helping me."

"The club is going to open soon. Looks like we found a musician to play in the background. Y/n, go and stay by the piano. We'll open up the club. But tell me now, would you like a uniform?"

"No thanks. I'm good!" I said with a close eyes smile. I went and stood over by the piano, and after about a minute of guests arriving, I started playing songs. I didn't sing, because of how feminine my singing voice is. but the guests quite enjoyed my playing. Some would come up to me for requests, and I would play them, but I had an idea. I would talk to kyoya about it in a few minutes, but I told the ladies who requested songs, that I'd do it, but tomorrow I'll be charging for song requests. They nodded, and I played the songs they requested if I knew them.

I took a break for about ten minutes to stretch, get some water, etc. Honey asked if I wanted any more cake, and as much as I did, I declined this time, since I'd get distracted, and forget that I'm supposed to be playing piano. He was sad, but understood. I walked around, and after my ten minute break I went right back to playing the piano. It was relaxing, and I got to enjoy music. It was a decent deal.

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