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I'm thinking of adding random fun facts about myself. I'm going to start doing that. Fun fact! Author-chan has asthma that is triggered by allergies. Spring is the worst time of year for me because of this.

The day before, I was made to play piano while haruhi read shojo manga to her, and the day after too. Today, I deciced to see how the others were doing. We were in science room 3, which had dust everywhere from experiments. It seems like people haven't cleaned in a little, and I wasn't sure how long I'd be able to be in there before my allergies got the better of me. Their not anything too bad, just runny nose and a lot of sneezing. if anything, just mildly annoying. The room was pretty dark, other than candle light. Haruhi was the only one not here.

We've been in this room for 15 minutes now, and so far, my allergies have been pretty good. Nothing more than a bit of sniffling, and a sneeze. Nobody paid it much mind. "Your golden locks glow in the candle light. Your skin like ivory. Your smile, mysterious as a flower illuminated by the moonlight. Such beauty. It's as if- your a cursed wax doll shrouded in darkness, and filled with malevolence!" I bit back a chuckle as renge scolded nekozawa senpai, and mori-senpai added 'wax doll' to the list of things he shouldn't say.

"Looks like renge is really on top of things."

"Yeah, she's on a roll!" I didn't say anything as I was trying not to sneeze. 

"But I'm not sure the lines she's feeding him are appropriate to use on his sister."

"You just going to sit and watch boss?" I let out a sneeze, and sniffed a little. 

"Bless you!" 

"Thanks." I said, hoping they wouldn't act up much more. 

"Of course! I don't want to end up with a curse on me." Renge was shining a flashlight onto nekozawa senpai, when I sneezed again. 

"Bless you. Are you feeling okay y/n-chan?" Honey asked, felling my forehead for signs of fever. 

"I'm feeling fine." He looked at me with a skeptical glance, before dropping the subject. God damn, I hate my allergies. 

"Occult fiction is fine, occult fashion is not." 

"Is that so?"

"Don't judge him."

"You're the one always making weird cosplay." I shrugged. Kouru's got a point. I sneezed yet again and sniffed a little louder. 

"Are you sure you're okay?" I nodded. "If you say so."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say he's having an allergic reaction to something." I turned my head away, and sniffed again. I didn't say anything, and honey sighed, then groaned a bit.

"It's so dusty in here."

I heard clapping. I sneezed twice in a row from the dust that just entered the air, before holding my breath and covering my nose with my wrist. "So it is an allergic reaction." 

"Y/n-chan! Why didn't you say something?" I uncovered my nose, sneezing once again. 

Kyoya grabbed a disposable mask from his pocket and handed it to me. "Here, Put this on. It'll help." 

"Thank you." I said. It took me a minute or so to get the mask on to where it wouldn't fog up my glasses, but it did help a little with my allergies. Tamaki was telling nekozawa to use his imagination, and the twins got a mischievous glint in their eyes. 

"Here ya go boss!" I decided to look behind me, and laughed a bit. Tamaki was sweating. It was a manikin with a bikini and a wig like haruhi's hair.

"We got this one ready just for you."

"We think you should go ahead and confess your love to this haruhi doll."  He was silent for a minute.

"Wait... This doll... Is haruhi?"

"You should teach him by example." 

"Haruhi... I" He didn't even get to the good part before the real haruhi walked in. 

"Excuse me." Tamaki jumped and freaked out. 

"HARUHI! You're the real one! But when did you get here?" He asked throwing the doll. 

"Kirimi chan came to the clubroom again today looking for you. If you've got time to do disgusting things like this, surely you can spare some time to hang out with her for a while."

"What? Disgusting?!" He went to a corner and went emo mode. 

The twins laughed while kyoya asked, "Why don't you keep her company haruhi? What's wrong, don't like children?"

"Well no, it's not that I don't like them or anything. She's made me read about 50 volumes of shojo manga to her over the last 3 days. And to my surprise, those things really are filled with reverse harems and debauchery."

"Yeah, And kirimi kept asking if I'd done things in the manga's with honey. After 2 days, I got so uncomfortable with them, I had to leave. I love the girl, but I wasn't a fan of the questions. And she wouldn't stop with them, or fully believe my answers."

"Do I even wanna know what she asked." Tamaki asked me.

"I am not repeating those questions."

"Big brother?" She looked in the room, and started crying. "This room is dark and scary!"

"Oh, Kirimi-chan! I asked for you to wait for me in the other room!"

"What's wrong little one? There there, calm down. You see? There's nothing to be afraid of!" She started giggling as he spun her around. "Here we go!" 

"I'm not going to lie. I never thought he'd be good with kids. Especially not that good." I said. Nekozawa grabbed the flashlight, and worked up some courage, before shining it in his face. 

"He did it!" Mori clapped, and I smiled under my mask. Not like anyone could see it though. I was still sniffing a bit, but not as much as before. 

"Nekozawa-senpai's come a long way. He's able to shine a flashlight in his own face!" 

The twins set off some party poppers and said in monotone, "Bravo senpai, bravo."

"Good job! I'm impressed!"

"You did it! Your little sister is going to be so thrilled! Look there kirimi-chan! That gentleman is your real big brother!" Nekozawa senpai turned around.

"Kirimi..." But the shadows on his face from the flashlight made her feel unspeakable terror, before she ran away crying before any of us could stop her. 

"So I guess shining the flashlight in his face,"

"Scared her and sent her running."

"It was definitely the shadows, no doubt. Shadows across a face can be terrifying to kids." Nekozawa collapsed crying. He gave up. 

"Hey look, Kirimi chan hasn't made it out of the courtyard!"

"But there's something down there with her... Oh, it's just a cat." Nekozawa gasped. 

"Your family sure does love cats."

"Even strays warm up to you guys." Nekozawa ran to the window, something I wasn't expecting due to the light.

"What'd you say? They're revered by our family, it's true, but kirimi wouldn't participate in something like that! Something as occult as befriending a stray cat. Kirimi is afraid of animals, and cats are the creatures she fears the most!" He jumped through the window yelling, "KIRIMI!"


"BUT HE'S NOT WEARING HIS BLACK CLOAK!" Once kirimi saw him, she jumped into his arms.

"Would you look at that."

"That's adorable."

"This is all thanks to my special training." He collapsed on the ground after that. 

Poor dude probably got more sun than he ever will again in that one day.

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