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"Hey y/n-chan, do you have plans this weekend?" Mitsukini asked me while I was gathering my things to leave for the day.

"Ah, I do. I have a game this Saturday. I'm free Sunday though."

"What time's the game?"

"It starts at noon. This isn't a practice game though."


"It's not quite an official game however. My team rivals a team from an opposing neighborhood, and I think the captains had a fight or something. Whatever the reason though, we're playing against them at a park."

"Can I come watch?" I giggle. 

"Of course. I have no issue with it. Meet me at my house at 11. We can walk there together, kay?" He nods, and we walk out together holding hands, but when I try to let go like I usually do, he stops me. 

"Don't okay? I don't mind people knowing." I smile.

"I don't either. I just didn't know if you were." We walk to the front in a comfortable silence, and part with a quick kiss before going our separate ways, and I skate home, while he gets in his family's limo. 

I got dressed in a black tee shirt and some shorts, inversing the white color of my teams tee shirts, along with the second libero on our team. It's just standard procedure. I had my water bottle ready to go, along with a towel for wiping away sweat. Just as I finished I heard a knock at my door, which could only be Mistukuni. I opened the door with a smile, and was greeted with a kiss. "Ready to go watch my team kick ass?" 

"Yeah! I brought a little something for luck."

"But Mistukuni, isn't your presence enough?" I asked with a smile, making him blush. He then shook his head.

"Close your eyes." I chuckle and did as I was told, and felt him put something around my wrist. "Okay open." I look and see a small black bracelet with a small silver bead with an 'm' inscribed on it. "I got two. See? They match!" He said showing me a white bracelet of the same fashion with the first letter of my name on a small silver bead. I covered my mouth as I smiled, and pulled him in for a hug. 

"I love it." I kissed him. "And I love you too." I said intertwining our hands, as we walked to the park. When we arrived, he took a seat somewhere and wished me luck. I started stretches and receive practice with mato. It wasn't too long before the game started, and we all shook hands. 

I'm not going to bore anyone with the details of the game. We won, 25-20, and 34-32. We all cheered, and the people who came to watch us cheered too. Honey jumped onto me, and kissed me, as I used the momentum to spin us around. We didn't break away for a little, getting lost in the moment, until we heard Sora clear his throat. We broke away and looked at him with red faces. "I get that you two are in love ad all, but we still have to shake hands with the other team, and my girlfriend needs to apologize for what we were arguing about now that we won." Mistukuni looked confused. 

"The opposing teams captain, is Sora's girlfriend. Whenever they get into a fight that lasts more than two days, we go against each other. Whichever team loses, the captain has to apologize. It works well for them."

"Yet your teams are rivals?"

"Yeah, but that's only in competition. Outside of it we're all cool."

"We're going to get some BBQ after at the usual place. You coming?" I looked at Mistukuni who smiled and nodded. 

"Yeah, if Mistukuni can come too." 

"I see no problem." He says, and we shake hands with the other team, and Sora hugs his girlfriend. After both teams go to the place, Mistukuni joining all of us. It was like a really crowded date that we enjoyed. We joked and laughed with plenty of kisses. We talked with other members of both teams while we stayed close to each other. He walked home with me, and asked me something. 

"Hey, you're free tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah why?"

"I was thinking, maybe you can join me and my family for dinner tomorrow?" I look at him confused. "I talk about you a lot at home, and they want to meet you." I chuckle. 

"Sure! I don't mind. What time?"

"I'll pick you up at 5:30." I nod. 

"Got it." I say, but I'm sort of nervous. He squeezes my hand lightly.

"They don't know your trans. It wasn't my place to tell. I've only said good things, don't worry. I know my mom is going to love you, and my little brother might. He can be a little unpredictable." He said scratching the back of his neck. 

"What about your dad?"

"I'm not sure. He always keeps a stoic face when I talk about you at home. I think he's more concerned about the bloodline continuing than my happiness. But I'm happy with you!" I smile, and chuckle. 

"I think it'll be fine. Plus if he is, then he can just stay out of it all." He nods, his bright smile on his face. 

I just hope this doesn't all go to shit. 

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