Chapter 40

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Gemma's P.O.V
I begin to regain consciousness as a coughing fit overcomes me and I feel a pair of arms around me. My eyes flutter open and I see my Georgian blues looking down at me. I close them again for a second before opening them again, "What are you doing in here?" I croak.

"I had to see you. Why didn't you tell me?" He asks, his eyes questioning.

"Only way to keep you safe." I say, before coughing again.

He sits me up and pats my back as the coughing fit suppresses and I turn to face him, seeing him leaning against the prison walls. I lay back on his chest as his hand runs through my sweaty hair, "You got the meds?" I ask, looking up at him

He nods his head, "Glenn and Sasha are already on the mend."

"That's good." I say, giving a small cough.

He reaches behind me and hands me a cup of tea, "Hershel says drink up. This combined with the meds should do the trick."

He lifts it to my lips and I swallow the whole thing quickly, some of it dribbling down the side of my mouth. Using his thumb, he wipes it away quickly and I chuckle, "How attractive."

He looks me in the eyes, "You're always beautiful."

I close my eyes and blush, "You have to say that."

I cuddle closer into him and his arms wrap tightly around my waist, "How's Rick? Carol and the others?" I ask, stifling a yawn.

"We'll talk about it in the morning. For now I want you to sleep." He says, moving hair out of my eyes.

"Okay." I yawn, holding on tight to him.

I feel him place a kiss on my hair before I fall asleep instantly.


I lean against the wall, feeling much better as I watch Daryl pace back and forth. Rick looks between the two of us as I try to wrap my head around what he's said.

"You couldn't have waited till I got back?!" Daryl yells.

"Till Tyreese got back?" Rick asks.

"I could have handled that." Daryl mutters.

"Hey, hey. She killed two of our own, she couldn't be here." Rick argues.

His tone softens, "She's gonna be alright. She has a car, supplies, weapons. She's a saviour."

"Stop saying that like you don't believe it!" Daryl yells, getting in his face.

"She did it, she said it was for us. That's how it was in her head, she wasn't sorry." Rick states.

"That was her, but that ain't her."

"What are we supposed to do about those two girls?" I ask, coughing slightly and thinking about Carol's girls.

Rick sighs and shakes his head, "I told her we'd look after them."

Daryl shakes his head and leans against the railing and I step forward, placing a comforting hand on his back.

"I haven't told Tyreese yet, I don't how he's gonna take it." Rick says.

"Let's go find out." Daryl says.

I go to walk down the stairs when I suddenly feel light headed and I stumble slightly. I feel a strong arm catch me and I lean back on his chest, "You stay here." He says.

"I'm feeling fine." I argue, standing back up.

"I don't care. I don't need to worry about you too. Rest and I'll come back later." He says, walking me to my cell.

Adapting (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now