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Gemma's P.O.V

"Just one more push! You can do it!" I cry out, looking down at the baby's crowning head.


The baby eases out as I pull it along and soon I have them nestled in my arms, a perfect little baby boy. I pull my head up and look between the two exhausted parents, "It's a boy."

"Really?" Maggie asks, looking down at me exhaustedly with a smile on her face.

I nod and turn to Glenn, "Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" I ask.

He nods his head and walks forward as I hand him the scissors and he cuts into the spongy cord. He looks down at his son with the biggest smile on his face, the proud face of a new father.

"Can I hold him?" Maggie whispers from the bed, tears streaming down her face as she waits to hold her boy.

I smile at her and nod, "Let me clean him up and then he's all yours."

They both nod their heads and I stand up, making my way over the the little bathing area I prepared earlier. I wipe away as much blood and muck as I can before wrapping up the little boy in a blanket, who begins to cry at the sensation. I walk over and smile at the two as I place him in the arms of his new mother.

"Glenn, Maggie. I'd like you to meet your son." I whisper.

Maggie let's out a delighted sob, "He's beautiful." She whispers, her finger running down his face gently.

"He certainly is." Glenn says, his voice thick as tears glisten in the corner of his eyes.

"Got any names in mind?" I ask after a moment, folding my arms over my chest.

Maggie and Glenn look at each other before nodding their heads, "Hershel Jr." Glenn states.

I smile and nod my head as I think of the wonderful older man who I miss everyday, "I think that's a perfect name."

They both smile and Maggie looks up at me, "Thank you, for everything Gemma." She whispers.

"Yes, you have been amazing." Glenn adds on with a grateful smile.

A large smile spreads across my face and I nod, "You are so very welcome."

I look between the two and begin to take off my gloves and coat, "I'll leave you to only with your son."

They nod, though they don't look up from their boy. I toss the gloves in the trash can and hang my coat on the hook before making my way out of the room. I go towards the front of the infirmary and step out the door, seeing our group all gathered around as they wait for the highly anticipated news. Their heads snap up and they look towards me anxiously.

"So?" Tara asks, impatient to hear my answer.

A large smile comes to my face, "It's a boy!" I declare.

"Hey!" Everyone cheers', embracing each other and I can't help but think about how far we have all come.

I see Tara and Denise, the towns psychologist embrace is a sweet kiss and I smile at the two, seeing how happy they are after two years of being together. It's been five years since we arrived at Alexandria and things could not be any greater. Rick has been an amazing leader, expanding and developing the community into more than any of us could imagine.

He leans down and embraces his wife of three years, Jessie smiling widely up at him before giving him a kiss. Carl and Judith along with Ron and Sam cheer happily, along with everyone else. Abraham and Rosita embrace in a passionate kiss, while Eugene hugs Michonne and Carol out of friendship. Sasha and Spencer, who have newly been dating, hug each other with big smiles on their faces. Aaron and Eric hug each other before exchanging a kiss and I smile at their sweetness. Gabriel and Morgan stand off to the side with their arms folded over their chests, big smiles on their faces at the news of the new member of our group.

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