Chapter 5

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Gemma's P.O.V
I sit on the cot in my room and hold the picture in my hand, having a final glance at it. At this moment the group are packing up their bags and getting ready to leave, leaving me and dad to our fate. I run my finger across my mother's picture and a tear slides down my face.

"I'll see you soon mom."

I stand up and wipe my eyes, putting the picture in my back pocket. I pull on my boots and don my warmest jacket, seeing as the air conditioner has shut down and it's slightly cold. I take one last look around the room before heading out the door towards the main room. It's empty now that everyone is either packing, or down in the basement.

"Vi, power up the main screen and show me mom."

The screen lights up and the image of my mother fills the screen. I sit down at one of the desks and stare at image, using my last moments to see her again. The screens and the lights shut off and I look over at the clock, noticing that time is nearly up. I hear the sound of yelling and talking and I turn to see the group surrounding my dad, firing questions at him. Dad has a bottle of whiskey in his hand as he walks up onto the platform and he looks at me.

"It was the French, they were the last ones to hold out as far as I know. While our people were bolting out the doors and committing suicide in the hallways, they stayed in the labs till the end. They thought they were close to a solution." Dad explains.

"What happened?" Jacqui asks.

"Same thing that's happening here, no power grid. Ran out of juice. The world runs on fossil fuel, I mean how stupid is that?" Dad says, walking towards me and the computer.

"To hell with this shit." Shane says, walking after dad.

"Shane stop. Lori grab our things, everybody get your stuff, we're getting out of here. Now!" Rick commands.

They begin to move as dad steps behind me, the alarms suddenly sounding. I turn and see dad using his key card and typing things in.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"30 minutes to decontamination." Vi states.

Dad walks away from the computer to a different one, typing things in. The entrance to the rest of zone 5 closes, sealing everyone and creating chaos.

"Dad, what are you doing?" I yell.

"Did you just lock us in?" Glenn asks.

Dad ignores me and sits in front of the computer, beginning to record. Everyone around us begins to yell and panic ensues.

"You son of a bitch!" Daryl yells.

I turn to see him running at my Dad and I step in front of him, pushing him back as Shane latches onto to Daryl.

"Jennar open that door now." Rick demands.

"There's no point, everything top side has locked down. Emergency exits are sealed." He says.

"Well open the damn things!" Shane yells.

"That's not something I control, the computers do. I told you, once that front door closed it wouldn't open again. You heard me say that." Dad says.

"Dad open the door."

He turns to me, "It's better this way."

"What is? What happens in twenty eight minutes?" Rick asks.

"Dad, you can't force this on them. I will stay with you, but you have to let them go!" I yell.

Shane walks forward and pushes dad as Rick yells and I step forward pushing them apart.

Adapting (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now