Chapter 23

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Gemma's P.O.V
"Son of a bitch!" I hiss as Hershel prods at my shoulder.

"It's not broken or dislocated but you're going to have one hell of a bruise." He says by the light of the campfire.

"Well at least that's something." I say as I attempt to move my shirt back into place. I hiss as I try to move my shoulder but give up on the task, staying only in my singlet.

"This wouldn't have happened if you let me go." Glenn scolds as he holds out a plate of food.

"I'm fine Glenn, I've had worse." I say, taking it from him.

The smell of the food is intoxicating and I begin to wolf it down, wishing we had more.

"Just like mom used to make." Glenn mutters sarcastically, throwing the bone away.

I chuckle and glance at Lori, who looks past me with a worried expression on her face as she stares at Rick.

"Tomorrow we'll pull the biters together. I wanna keep them away from that wall, now if we could dig a canal under the fence we'll have plenty of fresh water." T-Dog says from beside me.

"The soil is good, we could plant some seed. Grows some tomatoes, cucumbers, soy beans." He comments as he looks at the dirt.

He glances up and looks over to where Rick examines the fence, "That's his third time around. If there was any part of it compromised, he would have found it by now."

"This'll be a good place to have the baby. Safe." Beth comments after abit.

Lori turns away from Rick and smiles at her, "Yeah, it will. Excuse me a second." She says, getting up.

She walks past us and heads over to Rick. I look over to Daryl and see him standing on the over turned bus by the entrance. I grab a water bottle and some food before standing up.

"Where are you going?" T-dog asks worriedly.

"Getting the man some food." I say, nodding at Daryl.

He smiles knowingly and I stick my tongue out childishly at him. I walk towards the overturned bus, staring at the man I love. He bends over and next thing I know Carol is on the bus with him giving him food. I chuckle that we have the same thought but continue anyway.

They begin talking as Daryl eats and after a moment he places his food down and licks his fingers. Carol turns as Daryl places his hand on her shoulder and begins to massage it. I freeze in shock as an irrational wave of jealousy overcomes me.

"Pretty romantic. Screw around?" She asks him with a cheeky smile.

I turn away and walk towards the fire in a huff, making my way there quickly.

"Back so soon?" Carl asks.

"He can feed himself." I say, putting the water and food down angrily.

I snatch up my knife and make my way away from the group and the approaching couple. Rick and Lori walk towards the group too and I see Rick look at me questionly. I stalk towards where the fence is heavily populated and decide the best way to take out my anger. I approach the angry walkers and one by one begin to take them down in frustration. Each one I stab ferociously with extreme force and soon my shoulder begins to protest in pain but I don't care. Eventually the pain becomes unbearable and I step back from the fence, clutching at the throbbing flesh and breathing with exhaustion.

"Feel better?"

I look up with my hands on my knees catching my breath to see my hunter. He looks down at me with his unreadable eyes, his crossbow on his shoulder.

Adapting (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now